Boring rant that was originally meant to be used as a reply to - TopicsExpress


Boring rant that was originally meant to be used as a reply to some post elsewhere... There is no distinction when you say USA, Europe, Japan, China, Russia & Germany or any other power... it is all the same thing. It is the same group of people in power and have always been, this is evident with simple research into the past of those who have ran these places and their families. The connections betweens kings & queens and presidents and rulers of nations; these people all belong to the same clubs, they vacation together and eat together and go to bed together in most cases. They are playing a game of chess and everything is theater and they openly tell you it is theater, but, humans are too stupid to understand symbolism and indirect information. Humans are not accustomed to seeing and understanding subliminal messages or symbolic messages both on the open or embedded. The Theater of War - where nations carefully align their pieces on the board while making ¨pokerfaces¨ at each other for the sake of the pieces themselves who are the ones putting their lives in the line. They even write long boring books with thousands of pages and put them there for anyone to read, where they tell you openly that it is all a great game of chess and that you are the pawns; but people are too dumb to read or understand them. Ancient and Medieval texts in Latin stored in the vaults of the Vatican for example where they tell governments how to rule the people and position the pieces on the great board (the planet). Documents like the widely known, but largely ignored ¨Rerum Novarum¨ where it tells pretty much how everything works - how to tell your people they are one thing when they are actually something else... in the Latin version because the English version was changed so that the average reader would not understand and wake up. The United States is just like all other countries: a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT being done to learn the best and easy ways to control civilizations. Same practices are experimented on all the countries at different intervals and levels of education to see just ¨Where people will draw the line¨ according to what they will and will not accept. This has been the case for centuries and during each one of those ages, there is always a ¨Theater Of War¨ put in place to effect some type of socio-political change - in essence changing how people are ruled, what new things can be done and what they will accept. The United States is the latest piece of the puzzle... where everything is tried at a different rate and different level because it was established with the idea of serving as a planetary model... where the ideas: Freedom Sovereignty Democracy Liberty Republic and other ideals were established with the purpose of testing how they work on people so that in the future if successful would be introduced on a global scale. Well they work almost too well, because the vast majority of the people believe the concept that they are free and independent but are blind to the fact that they are not. The ideal when shown to be successful was then spread throughout the planet on the late 19th and early 20th century and continues to this day. At this time, places like the Caribbean that were under the opposite model (monarchy - oligarchy) were ¨switched¨ to the new model to test how people received and accepted it. This is when places like Puerto Rico, Cuba, The Philippines & Guam, and other islands around the world were transferred from Spanish (monarchy) to United States (freedom) under the ¨Theater of War¨ used with the ¨Spanish American War¨ where ¨The Treaty Of Paris¨ was signed - here Spain gave those territories to the USA for the sum of 20 Million Dollars. This continued during the 20th century as the new model (often times in the early 20th century called) ¨Economic Model¨ was introduced to different nations to test. In most cases a ¨Theatre of War¨ was necessary to enforce the change; these always in places where the model was an opposite to the new model; as it is the case in the Middle East where the model is different and in order to enforce the new model the old model has to be destroyed and the only way to destroy it is by instigating wars (Theater) so that the people will believe they fight to protect it but in fact they are reduced in numbers, leaving only the survivors who will either accept the change willingly or accepted because they cannot fight it alone.As was the case in places like Afghanistan and Iraq where the new model is currently still under enforcement and will continue until everyone accepts it. There is a video game that shows exactly how all this works on a global scale, it is obviously not meant to be a guide but rather show you how it is done. Sid Meier´s Civilization series show all this, specially the fifth game Civ 5 and its expansion Gods & Kings or Brave New World. Where you use religion to bring people under your ideal and control them with more ease; or provoke holy wars simply because you can. How you set up trade routes with other countries or put in place an embargo to block said trade with a specific enemy. Shows you how to meet with your enemy and trade or declare war. A simple game shows you the mechanics of how it is done in the real world.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 21:22:53 +0000

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