Born in a Dragon Year, I never felt I could look him in the eye, - TopicsExpress


Born in a Dragon Year, I never felt I could look him in the eye, not honestly. Today I looked the Dragon in the Eye. Home. For the first time in my life... the little boy, the maturing one... can look the Dragon in the eye. The dreamer, the little boy who found Arthur and Merlin and Launcelot and dragons and never left their side; I was into King Arthur as a moral code, as a world of imagination and adventure and dragons way before I knew I was a dragon year. Yes, and there was D&D. I wanted to be a dragonheart in the court, to have courage, to do right. to stand up in the face of those who would do harm to protect... Like that’s gonna help me see the world as it is. The little one was in for many rude awakenings as to the nature or life and people as I tired to understand a life of honor, values and conviction, dragonheart things I wrote about. I did not feel worthy or able to live up to the values of Arthur, and cool as it sounded to be born in a dragon year, it was I could never really look him in the eye. Not really. Now the little boy, the dreamer, the idealist, the disillusioned one, the doubter, the shooter-in-the-foot-one, the little wise one who knew all along, the lost one, the afraid one, the mean one who would say “You’ll never really do THAT,” the one who won’t stop dancing, the one who won’t stop singing, the one who never leaves the treetops looking to the skies for the dragons to tell me something about home... Now we look him in the eye. Now I see it is not about me "being a dragon”, or wanting to identify with a dragon, but it is about seeing them - as they are. Knowing them for who they are... respect... not bidding or claiming attributes in me. They are in Nature. They are Nature. Agni:Fire:Isvara. I am in Nature. Of course they are in me. They came to heal this body... I had to see. There is no claiming only seeing and knowing. I can look him in the eye. A voice said "you are home... bam. oof.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 17:01:30 +0000

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