Born in darkness There was a time when there was pure light, - TopicsExpress


Born in darkness There was a time when there was pure light, the Sons of God rained all around doing pretty much as they wished but still checked from time to time, for just as here on earth free will unchecked can get some in a world of trouble so to speak. God was placing all things in their proper places giving the Sons of God chores to do, and just as many children do some had other ideas on whether they wanted to come and do these chores, yet these Sons of God were given much knowledge right from the start, yet not all knowledge was given to them, but enough that they were well above our knowledge here on earth. Some did not come when they were called and some even rebelled as children do on earth today, because of their thoughts of doing their own thing instead of what the Father asked of them he put some of them in darkness to await judgment, even as some rebellious children here on earth need correction to teach them to do the right thing, and do it with respect. So even today many years to us they are still waiting for the Judgment of the Father as many times our children are waiting for their fathers to come home and hear what the mother says they did and pronounce judgment on them, whether to scold or punish depending on the deed. For each Son of God, or for that matter a son here on earth the Father expects his children to learn and grow, to mature and do well for themselves, as does the Father in Heaven expect them to do the same. Yet for all some are given some still are bull headed and do not do as the Father wishes. Such is what happened when the Father in Heaven decided to create a new creation, man on the earth, as he decided to make man in his own image, yet creating man a little lower in knowledge, and stature to find their way and to grow but maybe have a little more gratitude for what the Father gives them rather than just taking all things for granted as some of the Sons of God had done, yet the reward for man would be greater than that of the Sons of God. For man would attain a higher realm than they. So off the Father went to create man, proud of his creation and what he had done, he called all the host of heaven to come and see what he had done, many of them saw what God had done and bowed their knee to Gods creation of man whom they knew would be higher than they and some day even judge their own conduct, yet some rebelled for they were thinking they were superior to man, for they had been given much more than man was given, much as those who have never had to work for anything but have always had all they wanted, so they looked down on man Gods creation not thinking that man would be one day greater than they, but rather trying to spoil what the Father had created. Because their rebellion was so great, the Father is withholding judgment on them till the time of mankind is full and man ascend into Heaven to be with the Father, now this is satan and those who follow him who are enemys of mankind, deceiving many thinking to rob them of their own birth right for the Father has given man the right to set at his right hand and rule the heavens and earth by his side, so for those who overcome he will grant to set at his right hand of the Father. 1 John 5:5 Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Rev 21:7 He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. Rev 3:21 To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. You are born in darkness but the Father has put the task before you to grow to sudy to show yourselves approved unto him that you may be worthy to Judge the world and the Sons of God, to rule and raine as Kings and Priests on the Earth, Are you ready or will you be a disapointment because you would not do the Fathers will and grow and prosper in the Word of God , you see only you can come to the Father and say, Father I did my best! And the Father because you did try will be proud of you for your efforts, just as we are proud of our own children when they do the best they can no matter what the level they achieve. Father we ask you help us to understand the level we can attain in you not some pie in the sky but rather what each of us acan do as we all have different levels and can achieve much more than we have already done , Father we ask you put a new will in us to please you to grow in knowledge of you nd the things we are able to learn in Jesus name
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:24:29 +0000

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