Born in the 70s grew up in the 80s When we were kids... The - TopicsExpress


Born in the 70s grew up in the 80s When we were kids... The snow wasnt cold, we played outside all day till we were blue ...literally! Snow forts? ...we were snow fort engineering experts baby!  Summer time ....we came home when the lights came on, because if we didnt mom would scream our names through the window for the entire neighborhood to hear!!  We knew how to roller skate .... with 4 wheels!!!  Hide and seek ....if you didnt have a walkie-talkie... your OUT! Yea our play ground was the EINTIRE neighborhood! OMG dont get me started on the Ice Cream Man!! Those were the days. The chores werent hard, yea we complained ...but ...we knew it was chores or no supper ... no negotiations ...period. There was no internet, we had pen pals that lived hundreds of miles away and that was awesome!!  We played and danced out in the rain and we didnt get struck by lightning! ...and it was really fun!!  Those things that glowed in the dark and crawled down the wall.... that was the ONLY reason we really wanted that cereal!!  Pac Man ... yea none of us ever really won that game...but we were TRULY experts!! Frogger too!!  We met Mario and his brother when they were just kids and we could beat that game faster than anyone ...ever! AND we still know all the secrets in the game!! ...Yea Zelda too! ET ...thats when we fell in love with Reeses YUM Mario can fly ... OMG the game can never get any better!  Alf ... LOL!! Yea we all thought about coking a cat, bust just didn’t do it. Punky.... you know you dressed up like her at least once ...socks didnt match either!! Did they? What do you mean Pac Man has a girlfriend??? Halloween...stayed out nearly all night many pillow cases did you get? Fraggle Rock ... and we knew all the words to the opening theme song by heart. Heman and SheRa --- ....yep Gi Jo too!!  Wait what about those dam transformers...when you couldnt get them back to being a robot guy again!!??? Yep we just broke them instead. NIghtmare on Elm Street ... thanks for NOT telling us we would REALLY have nightmares you jerks!!  JAWS... nightmares ...yea but we watched it again and again anyway! Cabbage Patch Kid... you believed that thing was your real baby! Garbage Pail Kids --just fun to collect the cards and stickers ...and stick on them on your friends. Full House ... you watched but didnt tell anyone ... it was too babyish !but you secretly had a crush on know who!!  VICKI The robot... if you remember her ...your TRULY an 80s kid!! Especially if you could talk just like her!!  Flight of the Navigator...when you became interested in UFOs ... and Starwars Starwars... when you developed that teenage crush on Hans Solo, and still love him today...even though hes like 80! PEZ! Night Lights Light Bright and Rainbow Bright Michael Jackson (RIP) yes he used to be hot... I swear, and we all thought we could moon walk just like him but we really looked like idiots!  Dirty Dancing ...we all thought we could ....but couldnt NKOTB .... crush .... bedroom walpaper. and the FURBY! Make them SHUT day was enough!! IT .... clowns just SUCK now, thanks alot! Silly Putty and newspapers .... you should know the connection The Goonies!! You really thought you were one didnt you? Who you gonna call?  The Karate Kid ... and you were an instant Karate expert and no one could mess with you!! ... you became an expert fly catcher too! The Never Ending Story ... admit it.... it made you enjoy reading!!!  Legend ... when we met and fell in love with Tom Cruise  Top Gun ... then we just had the hots for him! Gremlins ....we put water on our cats just to see what would happen!!  To all you 80s Kids ..... YES We were masters of the universe! and we were masters of the Rubiks Cube, Hopscotch and Simon too! ~Jo Erickson 2014
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:42:56 +0000

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