Born in the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency but - TopicsExpress


Born in the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency but thoroughly a creature of the Obama administration, AFRICOM has moulded its public persona around the bogus doctrine of humanitarian military intervention, or Responsibility to Protect (R2P). AFRICOM has usurped much of the US State Department’s food aid distribution duties on the continent, and provides medical care to hundreds of thousands of African military families, thus cementing a bond between the Pentagon and virtually all the continent’s armies — none of which can move effectively through Africa’s undeveloped terrain without US logistical support. The African Union seeks legitimacy through “peacekeeping” missions that it is wholly incapable of executing without financing, equipment, training and every other conceivable support from AFRICOM or the US clandestine services. President Obama orchestrated the Joseph Kony hysteria of 2011 as an excuse to send at least 100 US Special Forces troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, the Central African Republic and the new state of South Sudan. Kony had been in hiding for years, maybe dead, his Lord’s Resistance Army decimated and no danger to Uganda, which has felt safe enough to send many thousands of its troops on (well-paid) “peacekeeping” missions around the continent, at US request.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 13:41:10 +0000

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