Borotba supports the declaration of trade unions and social - TopicsExpress


Borotba supports the declaration of trade unions and social organizations of Donbass for a peaceful settlement of the conflict The Coordinating Council of Public Associations of Donbass - “Peace Party,” the Federation of Trade Unions of Lugansk, and the social movement Free Donbass appealed to all public organizations of Ukraine to help establish a peaceful dialogue on the South-East. The statement also noted the need for an early start of negotiations on the special status of the Donbass. We appeal to Ukrainian civil society: lets make a peace deal and present a shared vision for ending the war and the fate of the Donbass region to the authorities in Kiev, Brussels, Washington and Moscow, the statement reads. Union Borotba support the peace initiative of Donbass community members. Borotba insists that there can be no peace without the release of political prisoners by the Kiev regime, a ban on neo-Nazi gangs such as the Right Sector, as well as the possibility of self-determination for the South-East. APPEAL Public organizations of Donbass to public organizations of Ukraine Dear compatriots! We live in war-torn Lugansk and Donetsk. We are shot at and our homes are bombed, although we are unarmed. We were deprived of food and water, even though we are innocent. We represent non-political social organizations. Some among us voted in the referendum on May 11, and some did not take part. We are different people. But we are all peaceful people. We see that the politicians are not seriously looking for a way to end the fratricidal slaughter. The politicians behave as if they need a victorious war, not a good peace. As if we, the residents of Donbass, were the enemies of the Ukrainian people, and not your sisters and brothers, the same as you, Ukrainians and Russian. We appeal to Ukrainian civil society: lets make a peace deal and present a shared vision for ending the war and the fate of the Donbass region to the authorities in Kiev, Brussels, Washington and Moscow. The war will not produce peace. It will only intensify hatred and desire for revenge on both sides. You cannot just crush people and live as before, as if nothing happened. It happened! Blood was shed! And to ensure that it does not happen again, we, the people of Donetsk and Lugansk, need legal guarantees from the Ukrainian authorities, backed by guarantees of Russia, the United States and the European Union, upholding the rights of Donbass to genuine self-government and public security. One can argue about the specific terms and legal procedures, but Donbass needs special status. It is necessary to stop the War Party’s blatant pressure on all institutions of Ukraine. We know that in Ukraine there is a Peace Party. And it is the majority party. Civil society of Ukraine, all reasonable, good people -- we ask you to respond. We invite you to join the conversation. Call for peace! Coordinating Council of Public Associations of Donbass Peace Party Chairman AN Yakovenko Federation of Trade Unions of LC Chairman DC Akimov Social movement Free Donbass Coordinator MD Gusiakov
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:57:35 +0000

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