Botany Bay this morning @ 5:40am ...two hours earlier. Its - TopicsExpress


Botany Bay this morning @ 5:40am ...two hours earlier. Its 3:30am. The alarm goes off. Time to get up. 4am, jump in my car, set my GPS, one hour and 5 minutes to location. Driving down M4, look up at the sky, seeing if theres cloud formation. Wish I had a coffee right now. 4:55am arrive at location. The sky is starting to go off. 5am, jump out of the car, connect camera to tripod, tie bag around my waist and off I go. Looking around, are there any stray dogs, any persons that may pose danger. Its dark, you dont know what may be out there. Ok, composition, do I use the lining of the shore, the rocks, or both. Quick quick, pick something before you miss the light. 5:20am, I think I have a composition. Screw on the adaptor ring to the lens front, attach the filter holder, slide the 0.9 grad ND hard grade filter. Check the settings, ISO 100, f11, under expose by one stop, shutter @ 8sec. Now I wait. 5:30am hit the button, click. 5:40am, hit the button, click. Im happy with that. 6am, all over, time to go home. Looking forward to that coffee. When you next look at a photo posted on FB, remember, youre looking at days weeks and even months of planning, early morning wake ups, loss of sleep, risks taking, emotions, fists punching the air in excitement. Why do I do it, ...because I love it. And sleep is over rated anyway. Haha
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 10:20:58 +0000

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