Both the massive on going Banking/financial frauds and Fracking - TopicsExpress


Both the massive on going Banking/financial frauds and Fracking are as much a part of the criminal elites war of terror as are the drone attacks on schools and innocent peoples homes in the middle east and Africa. Modern history is punctuated with false flag terror attacks committed by our secret services acting for the criminal elite to prelude murderous wars of dispossession and genocide. The blatant false flag attacks on the NY trade centre and the London underground were however prelude to a massive escalation of the elites war on all humanity. The draconian statute laws central to their terror wars are intended to ensure that the destruction of the middle class is not hindered by any viable popular political counter coup. In the US as in Britain and Australia we see opposition either crushed or subverted. In the USA Ron Paul easily had enough popular support to win both the Republican nominations and the Presidency from the incumbent bankers mafia man Obama, or the CIAs halfwit drug money launderer Mitt Romney. In Britain we saw Labour and the Democrats taken over by 5th columnists such as Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and Nick Gleg. And in Australia we saw any credibility Labour had destroyed by the treasonous and absolute corruption of Queensland and NSW labour, and the equally treasonous attack on democracy by the conspiracy between Tony Abbott and the Australian Electoral Commission to pervert the course of justice and falsely jail the leader of then growing opposition party One Nation. At the time many of us were convinced by the Elites corporate mainstream media that One Nation was little more than a bigoted, xenophobic single interest group whilst ignoring the fact that both major parties were busy portraying down trodden refugees from the elites wars of dispossession as a horde threatening jobs and the Australian way of life. Now we are witnessing the arrogant corporate wrecking of Australia by the criminal elites puppet LNP, who are blatantly out doing the perverse corruption of the war crimes government of John Howard. We urgently need to checkmate these mafia parasites with another Don Chipp to pull whats left of the honest heart of the Labour, Liberal, and Country Parties into one sensible and honest alliance to end the fascist dismantling of wholesome civil society in Australia and the rampant destruction of all naturally sustainable industries.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:31:55 +0000

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