Both veteran Chicago activists, Black was a member of both - TopicsExpress


Both veteran Chicago activists, Black was a member of both Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence, while Palmer was an official of the Communist Party controlled U.S. Peace Council and the bona fide Soviet front International Organization of Journalists. Rev. Wright was there as well, revealing his Marxist take on Christianity for all to see. Jeremiah wright’s workshop was, “Faith as a Weapon: Spirituality and the Role of the Church In The Radical Movement.” What are the lessons we can learn from Nat Turner, Absalom Jones, Sojourner Truth, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other Black ministers as leaders in the struggle? What is the history of spiritual motivation in the radical/liberation movement? Panelists included Michael Eric Dyson, Cornel West of Democratic Socialists of America and Kevin Tyson, a former Communist Party member and parishioner of Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Cornel West would go on to to become a member of Obama’s 2008 Black Advisory Council, while Dyson would later become a strong public defendant of the Obama/Wright relationship........
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 19:04:39 +0000

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