Both victims are expecting rescue!! Er. Jitender Kohli Published - TopicsExpress


Both victims are expecting rescue!! Er. Jitender Kohli Published on 08/07/2013 in Jammu Kashmir NEWSPOINT, & on 08/07/13 Early Times Plus English Daily Newspapers An old man lonely sitting on a hilltop dipped in his life span to locate the honesty if found somewhere. He was perturbed finding nowhere on the surface of his memory so initiated to explore each page of his life anticipating to catch that moment where he might have observed the honesty. His childhood with his parental family pinched him remembering his father labouring from the sun rise to sun set to meet his family necessities to survive. The British era was dominated by the foreigners having local assistance of selfish Kings and Jagirdars who believed in dynastic governing at the cost of anything. They never had the national patriotic instinct thus depended on the goons around them to snub the innocent human and strengthen themselves with foreigner coalition. Most of the business tycoons were hand and glove with such elements to accumulate more and more wealth, remained friendly with such rulers. His father being a common man silently bore the excesses unleashed by the British and their Indian supporters. Finding blank page of his object he shifted to his student period. He had seen most of the average students overshadowing the brilliant lot in getting admission to the higher educational institutions having their parental connections with British or having money-power. The upper class of the society was sending their sibling to Oxford University for Bar-at-law or ICS and so on. Among Such students who had these opportunities were getting their clothing washed at Paris and each day getting drinking water of Chashma Shahi of Kashmir valley. One can imagine the caliber and vision of such students having ideology of sticking to their egos. Very few deserving students could achieve such opportunities that proved as the nationalist gem. Failing to find he turned to his serving period when governed by those officers who were labeled and honoured as Honest Officers. He smiled but was shocked to remember that they were practically honest in discarding acceptance of cash or gifts as bribe but was infact partial-honest. They were decorated with medals including the highest in the land but infact partial honest were decorated. Practically they have continually obeyed the political influences in approving and implementing the development projects, to appoint, transfer or post the employees. Under high-up influence they have approved those projects which either couldn’t mature or provide some relief to the society but could ensure vote for the leaders. His eyes were filled with the tears ready to just roll down when his memory flashed the incidence of 1962 Chinese aggression. Lt. General Koul being in the good list of the then PM Jawaharlal Nehru slipped on medical disguise from the NEFA border leaving his army alone to bear the brunt. He wiped off his eyes and started exploring the national political life he had observed in his long existence on the planet. He was more perturbed to remember those Indians who were assisting the British and believed in executing their dynastic system had successfully manipulated to continue the same process under the disguise of democracy by replacing the British. The same lot of average students again overshadowed the brilliant in becoming as national policy makers, charting financial developments and ensuring the national defence. The foreign policy has lost the entire neighbour none to support, defence forces shrieking for the modernization to bring a fool-proof national defence system. They require sharpen teeth to defend the motherland but these policy makers have included their personal political survival on the top priority ignoring other important issues. He shivered to recall that the politicians have practically seized all the powers of the governing machine upto the extent that bottom class employees also require political approval for appointment or transfer what to think for other management system to ensure long-term national benefits. This political interference in governing mechanism has opened a field for the average students to become blue-eyed boys to hold the important posts in the various departments. Such blue-eyed boys are left with no other choice then to please their political bosses and to create a web around them to run the show and to build secure fortune of their family. He couldn’t sit more as shivering body was not holding his weight thus he rolled to the ground to stop the perturbing scenes flashing in his mind. The human is so weak that such effort seldom helps to escape. The screen was clearer and he was visualizing the divided society in the name of religion and region. Further he could recall the government not only clinching to the British policy of dividing society in the name of religions and region but have extended it to the caste and creed. Not stopping here the castes are further divided on sub-caste brackets and politics infiltrated in the educational academies to ensure the divided society to come out for the politicians. The divided society he found starving for food, safety and normal necessities to live. British had a logic to keep slaves with half-filled stomach to let them labouring and beg for it. The shortage of electricity, water, road connectivity, educational and employment opportunities have made the common people to cry for it, beg for it, demonstrating with its demands which are assured by the governments but never fulfill it. His shivering body started trembling when he saw screaming non-Kashmir valley Muslims fleeing from the valley leaving everything behind to protect their lives and honour of their womenfolk. The other religious riots shook him when hundreds of Sikhs in Delhi, Hindu-Muslims in other part of the land had lost their lives. The continuous Pakistan sponsored Proxy-war in Kashmir valley and Naxalites uprising wide opened his eyes finding the political vested interests of someone manipulating it. That has hampered the necessitated scientific developments to protect the borders, save people from the natural calamities, find the methods to avoid the man made disasters to occur, to have powerful mechanism to implement the land law for the internal security, to ensure the safety to the womenfolk and to support the all weaker sections irrespective of their religion, region, caste or creed. The disaster of Uttarakhand flashed on his mental screen. He remembered that the politicians have not taken the weather warning reports seriously being overstretched with their political assignments to meet the 2014 elections to survive. Three days late governments initiated recouping their political damages with the Kedarnath tragedy where thousands pilgrims, locals have lost their lives and properties. Failing to find the honesty he stood up and saw down the hill locating his mutilated body shattered on the edge of the stream and sighed to realize that he was also a victim of the political negligence and his soul is waiting for the Yamdoots to carry as the living stranded are expecting choppers to carry them home. Both victims are expecting rescue. (The author is a Journalist, Ex- State Press & Publicity Secretary; VHP J&K State Unit can be contacted on -- jiten.kohli@gmail)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 07:20:23 +0000

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