Boy, You guys are going to think Im preachy but there are some - TopicsExpress


Boy, You guys are going to think Im preachy but there are some things I think need to be said aloud so here goes. Suzy Tkac Carver, below wrote So was your purpose in writing this article to lose your job? and I had to give a bit more than a one sentence answer to that question. Its been my experience that there are a FEW very confident people in the world BUT the rest of us either hide our fears, wear masks in front of the world or just minimize contact with others. My point was that we need to be more understanding about others and more encouraging; both to them and to ourselves. Somehow, we have this expectation that we should be good looking, confident, our lives should be going GREAT, and everything should be like those Christmas letters we all get. Dad has a great job, got a promotion, Mom is thinner than ever while juggling work, kids and volunteering. All the kids are A+ students and getting into the best colleges with full scholarships. The house is paid off and we took 4 beautiful exotic vacations last year. We won a bit in the lottery!! Twice!!! Oh, and we plan to retire at age 55 and travel the world Havent you received that letter? I sure have and even though I know its highly edited to put forth all the positives Id sure like to see one that was more realistic: Well, Dad is working but still watches too much TV and has a beer belly but I love him anyway. Im ready to pull out my hair which seems to be thinning and my hormones make me flash hot and cry all the time. The kids are OK, if I ever heard from them except for wanting money, or if they ever looked up from the video games..... All that is normal!!!!! LOL My purpose when I opened Second Spring Medical Aesthetics and Laser was to give others the same opportunity I needed: to fix up myself, to find the person I had lost or given away (out of love) all my life to others, and to re-create myself back to what I wanted to be. All that is a very personal journey for each person. The starting point is different, the reasons are different but the motivation - over and over and over - I want ME back. I felt like my outside sure didnt match my inner self and I needed to touch up and fix that. So, I am still having my Second Spring - its a process and a journey. We offer to others the same opportunity with no judgement and all the support that we can give. Perceptions, hurts, scars, our own self-judgements or just wanting to feel like the person you really are - Thats what we are here for. Whats my message? Pay it forward. Give compliments. Look past surface imperfections and see those around you. Build up others. We are not alone even though many feel that way - especially at Christmas! If you are looking down and feeling down, look up and maybe you will see a world that is exactly like you. No-one is truly alone. (Cornels thinking, OMG - there she goes again) LOL shelby
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:41:35 +0000

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