Boy, is this is the lamest Oscar season ever or what? 2013 was a - TopicsExpress


Boy, is this is the lamest Oscar season ever or what? 2013 was a terrible year for films. I mean, seriously, look at the lineup this year. Is there really a big Oscar-worthy film that gets you that excited, emotional, anything?? Or any performances that do that? I mean, I liked some films: I think Gravity was an incredible achievement in terms of photography, special effects and keeping you on the edge of your seat the entire film, but the acting and dialogue? Phew ... that was really bad. Love me some Clooney and Sandy, but come on! 12 Years a Slave is a brutal film and everyone should most definitely watch it, but apart from the obviously unbelievable story about Mr. Northup being kidnapped and becoming a slave and the brutality he encounters to survive, was it that impressive as a FILM? I didnt see it, nor did I see anything that special about Lupita Nyongos performance, or Michael Fassbenders or Benedict Cumberbatch or Chiwetels. Again, the story is there, its very very sad, but this is about achievement in acting for christs sakes. And I just dont see it. Dallas Buyers Club again has a great story, and another true one at that. And I love me some Matthew McConaughey, but homeboy is ALWAYS THE SAME guy. Yes, he lost a ton of pounds to perform on this one, but hes still the same guy you saw in Magic Mike being Matthew ... the hey darlin, yes sir, mm-hmm, all right all right all right are all there. Same accent, same looks, same laughs, same cry. Jennifer Garner is awful, makes you want to laugh when shes acting its so bad. Jared Leto had a tough role, but to me it comes across as super artificial. Hell still probably take it though. Her and Nebraska and Philomena dont stand a chance in hell of winning anything anyway, which is sad because we have some amazing actors in there, like Joaquin Phoenix, Judi Dench and an amazing director in Alexander Payne, but nobody cares about these guys this year, and definitely not in these small productions. The Wolf of Wall Street gets a ton of shit because its Wall Street and yeah, nobody wants to love the big bad bankers, I get it. But damn it, I want Leo to get a damned Oscar already - not for this, but for all the other ones the Academy has screwed him out of, like Blood Diamond, Aviator, The Departed, J Edgar, ... but hey, he most likely will not. American Hustle seemed to be the clear winner when it came out - looked like it wouldnt even be close. I dont see what all the fuss is about, honestly. David O. Russel is a super smart guy, hell make anything interesting, sure. But so what? Are the actors doing something that phenomenal? Meh. Christian Bale is always amazing, but Oscar for his role? Which brings me really to the one I most liked from a performances perspective, but am absolutely floored that it got screwed out of awards: Captain Phillips. Tom Hanks killed it in this film, I couldnt believe he didnt get a nomination for this one, its truly unbelievable what the Academy does sometimes. To me he should win flat out, he was spectacular. And so should the supporting actor, first timer Barkhad Abdi - who did an incredibly job as Captain Phillips nemesis and along with Hanks carries the audience. Maybe people are tired of the terrorism thing, or Seals killing people on the big screen, I dont know. But these two, in my humble opinion, deserve it. In conclusion, I didnt love anything really from the Academys selection that much. I do love Gravity as a film, I was absolutely stunned by the film and cant wait to watch it in all its full home-theater glory again this week here at home. But other than that, Hanks and Barkhad, pretty lame year. Where are the Dark Knight and Shawshank Redemption and English Patient quality films? And no strong women roles this entire year, did you notice it? The only exception was Cate Blanchett, who had an amazing performance and has won everything in Awards season. Again, I think 2013 was a terrible year for films. Alas, what do I know? Heres what I think will actually happen 1 week from today, as much as I disagree with it: Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave, though I would prefer to see Gravity win Director: Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity, and this is probably the only one Ill actually be happy to see if it happens since this was a quite a hard film to direct, especially with spotty dialogue, the conditions and A LOT of green screen Actress Leading: Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine Actress Supporting: Lupita Nyongo, and I know she had a terrible time as the character in that film, but as an actress, sorry. J-Law again? Meh. Actor Leading: Matthew McConaughey, since Tom Hanks wasnt even nominated and Leo plays someone who no one will reward yet again. Actor Supporting: Jared Leto, though again I think it was a super-artificial representation but what do I know? Id love to see Barkhad Im the Captain Now Abdi win.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 00:08:27 +0000

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