Brad Guzan is becoming pretty handy at noughts and crosses... The - TopicsExpress


Brad Guzan is becoming pretty handy at noughts and crosses... The noughts are the four Premier League sheets he has kept already this season and the crosses are the balls into the box he plucks to safety with increasing regularity. Guzan has collected 37 crosses during the current campaign – more than any other keeper in the top five leagues in Europe. He has made 14 more successful high claims than nearest Premier League rival, Arsenal’s Wojciech Szczesny (23), with Stoke’s Asmir Begovic next (21) followed by Everton’s Tim Howard (20) and John Ruddy (18) of Norwich. Having seen captain Ron Vlaar and the rest of Villa’s backline come on leaps and bounds this season, Guzan admits it is important he plays his part by leaving his line and relieving the pressure on his defenders. Brad Guzan who was speaking from the launch of Battlefield 4 on the Xbox One, said: “Obviously it helps to be tall!” “But for me as a goalkeeper, if you can come and collect a cross you’re going to help the guys in front of you tremendously. “Whether they’re on the back foot or a striker gets a cross in and they see the ball late, if you can come in, whether it’s a punch or a catch or whatever, that’s important. “That takes pressure off them, knowing that I’m behind them and if something does go into the box and they aren’t able to deal with it then I can get there and help them out. It’s just one of those things you don’t really think about but you just want to help the guys in front of you.” Guzan reckons commanding the penalty area is one of a goalkeeper’s most important tasks and admits that some of his defenders have learned that the hard way on the Bodymoor Heath practice pitches. The United States international is not afraid to use his stocky 6ft 4ins frame to batter his way to the ball and admits he has poleaxed his own team-mates – and been knocked out himself on occasions. “If I think I can come for it then I’m going to come for it,” explains Guzan. “You give a shout and if they don’t get out of the way then you come right through them, whether it’s a centre half or a striker. “I’ve run into a few of our guys in training, but you’ve just got to be brave as a goalkeeper, you have to be willing to take a knock, take a hit, and sometimes when the ball comes in you’ve got to be willing to give it as well. “It happens as a goalkeeper you get so fixed on the ball and making sure you get contact whether you’re going to catch it or punch it or whatever. “You take up with one knee up to protect yourself. You don’t know who you’re going into, you’re just worried about taking care of the ball. I’ve probably been knocked out a few times, but I’m all right, you dust yourself off and get up again.” Guzan works closely with goalie coach Terry Gennoe and fellow keepers Shay Given and Jed Steer on all aspects of his game and also trains hard to develop a close understanding with Villa’s centre-halves and full-backs. “With Terry and the other goalkeepers we’ve got a good relationship in terms of what days we’re going to work on – crosses and things like that,” he adds. “We’ve got a pretty good regime of how we’re going to go about it and how we’re going to prepare for games. “We haven’t done any more work on crosses this season than we did last season or the season before that. You just try to come for the ball. “Getting an understanding is a huge thing. If I can have a starting point a bit higher then it makes it easier to come for crosses, and that starts with the backline in terms of not dropping into the box too deep, all the little things make a big difference.” Zvonmir-Adamu
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:26:55 +0000

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