Bradford Heights Elementary GOTR Coaches, Jackie Sharp, Heather - TopicsExpress


Bradford Heights Elementary GOTR Coaches, Jackie Sharp, Heather Morraye and Melany Chepow certainly show team spirit and tell us why they coach and what theyve learned: I have learned from coaching you can really have an impact. I have also learned how important it is for young people to have positive role models in their life. My advice to any new coaches is to bring all you have to the table. Be energetic, fun, and creative! - Jackie I love the message that GOTR teaches to young girls, and I wanted to be a part in passing on that message to my daughter and her friends. I learned that these girls are really ready to absorb what the program has to offer. I watched the girls, including my own daughter, learn to believe in herself. I watched them put into practice what they learned during the sessions both physically and emotionally. - Heather My daughter inspired me to coach! I want her and her friends to be healthy and happy! Ive learned the importance of friendship and the impact it really has on your physical and mental health. Coaching with good friends and watching the girls interact with one another really reminds you what is most important in life! Have fun with it! A smile and a listening ear can really make the difference in a girls day. - Melany We are so excited to have these amazing coaches back this Spring season! Its guaranteed fun and inspiration to all!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:12:02 +0000

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