Braindead and body weary. :P Cant wait to get my energy back - TopicsExpress


Braindead and body weary. :P Cant wait to get my energy back tomorrow. What are you doing today? I know some of you are working out, or have worked out, some of you are at work, and some of you are at home with your kiddos, like me. Have any of you run errands today? I was going to, but since my hubby was going any way, he offered to do it for me! :D Nice guy, huh? I would be lying if I didnt say that I have had a slow day today. NOT my usual monday, for sure, but hubs and I did manage to get the seeds and the seed trays and holders ready for planting. Do any of you start your seeds indoors? I was surprised to see how many herbs DO require indoor germination and how many veggies do not. However, did you know that some seeds require a certain, precise temperature threshold in order to be able to plant? For instance, melons (and this one variety of pole bean Im planting from FedCo this year) require a soil temp of 60 degrees. Weird, huh? In only my third (or is it fourth?) year of gardening, I have so much left to learn and its daunting to think of all that I dont know, but I am seriously excited about the stuff I have learned so far! So-I may have over spent on seed too..but the way I see it-there is a veggie crisis in this country, and I am the only one who is going to make sure that my family has enough to eat (aside from my hubby) and if I dont test out the varieties that are available, how will I know which we like best???? ;) #toughdecisions# Gardening problems....hehe.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:04:16 +0000

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