Branches of Complementary Medicine: (so much to explore, a - TopicsExpress


Branches of Complementary Medicine: (so much to explore, a lifetime seems too short) Applied kinesiology Apitherapy Aromatherapy Astrology Auriculotherapy Autogenic Training Autosuggestion Ayurveda Acupressure Acupuncture Medical acupuncture Sonopuncture Affirmative prayer Alexander Technique Bach Flower Therapy Balneotherapy Bates Method Biodanza Bioresonance therapy Blood irradiation therapies Body-Based Manipulative Therapies Body work (alternative medicine) or Massage therapy Chelation therapy Chinese food therapy Chinese martial arts Chinese medicine Chinese pulse diagnosis Chiropractic Chromotherapy Coding (therapy) Coin rubbing Colloidal silver therapy Colon hydrotherapy Color Therapy Craniosacral Therapy Creative Visualization Crystal healing Cupping Dietary supplements Dowsing Ear Candling Electromagnetic therapy Energy therapies Acupuncture Magnet therapy Medical acupuncture Reiki (Seichim and Sekhem) Qigong Shiatsu Therapeutic Touch Faith healing Fasting Feldenkrais method Feng shui Five Elements Flower essence therapy Functional medicine Gua Sha Hair analysis (alternative medicine) Hatha yoga Hawaiian massage Herbalism Herbal therapy Herbology Holistic living Holistic medicine Homeopathy Home remedies Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Iridology Isopathy Journaling Kampo Light therapy Macrobiotic lifestyle Magnetic healing Manipulative therapy Massage therapy Medical acupuncture Medical intuition Meditation Meridian (Chinese medicine) Mindfulness meditation Transcendental meditation Vipassana Mega-vitamin therapy Mind–body intervention Alexander Technique Aromatherapy Autogenic Training Autosuggestion Bach Flower Therapy Feldenkrais method Hatha yoga Hypnotherapy Moxibustion Music therapy Natural Health Natural therapies Naturopathic medicine New Thought Neuro-Linguistic Programming Nutritional healing Nutritional supplements Orgonomy Orthomolecular medicine Osteomyology Osteopathy Pilates Polarity therapy Power yoga Pranic healing Prayer Psychic surgery Qi Qigong Radionics Rebirthing Reflexology Reiki Rolfing Seitai Self-hypnosis Shiatsu Siddha Medicine Sonopuncture Sound therapy Spiritual Mind Treatment Support groups T’ai Chi Ch’uan Thai massage Thalassotherapy Therapeutic horseback riding Therapeutic Touch Tibetan eye chart Traditional Chinese medicine History of traditional Chinese medicine Traditional Japanese medicine Traditional Mongolian medicine Traditional Tibetan medicine Trager Approach Transcendental meditation Trigger point Tui Na Unani medicine Urine therapy Visualization (cam) Visualization Water cure (therapy) Wellness (alternative medicine) Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Bikram Yoga Hatha yoga Iyengar Yoga Kundalini Yoga Power yoga Sivananda Yoga Tantric Yoga Viniyoga Vinyasa yoga Zang Fu theory from undergroundhealth/alternative-medicine/
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:39:55 +0000

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