Brand NEW Article, Please Share! GOOD AND BAD - TopicsExpress


Brand NEW Article, Please Share! GOOD AND BAD NUMBERS GOOD 7 This is the 7 Seals of Revelation. The First Seal or White Horse (United States; Babylon), will be Deception, and the Rise of the Son of Perdition, the 44th President Barack Obama (Nebuchadnezzar was King of Babylon). The Second Seal or Red Horse (Iran), will be War, accompanied by the False Prophet (Pope Francis), the 666 enforcer. The Third Seal or Black Horse (Russia) will be famine (Wormwood). The Fourth Seal (Egypt) or Pale Horse will be Pestilence, which is death, often by plague(s) or diseases. The Fifth Seal or Martyrdom and Great Tribulation is the Consolation of the Saints. The Sixth Seal or Heavenly Signs will be the Rapture. The 7th Seal or Trumpet Plagues will be punishment from YHWH. The 7 Trumpets will be the Day of the Lord. The First Trumpet or First Angel, one third of the trees on Earth will be burned up. The Second Trumpet or Second Angel, the sea becomes blood, one third of the ships and sea life are destroyed by fire. The Third Trumpet or Third Angel will be the Arrival of Wormwood (Chernobyl). The Fourth Angel or Fourth Trumpet will be one-third of the sun, moon, and stars do not shine. The Fifth Angel or Fifth Trumpet will be Locusts Wield the Beast (Apollo) military power where they hunt and torment men for 5 months and this when man shall seek death and death will flee from them. The 6th Trumpet or 6th Angel, 200 Million-Man Army (China) Gather. The 7th Trumpet is when the Kingdom of Heaven is proclaimed and is THE SECOND COMING OF YESHUA, THE RETURNED MESSIAH with 200 Million Holy Angels. The 7 Last Plagues will than occur. The First Plague will be sores that afflict on those who accepted the Mark of the Beast (Bar-code ¨Smart¨ Tattoo Technology) and Worshipped his image. The Second Plague will be when the sea turns into blood and all the sea creatures die. The Third Plague will be Rivers turning into blood. The Fourth Plague will be mankind scorched by the sun; the blasphemers of YHWH and those who did not repent. The Fifth Plague is when the Beast seat of the government is afflicted. The 6th Plague is when Euphrates is dried and the world armies gather to Armageddon. The 7th Plague will be when the Earth is utterly shaken. There were 7 Main World Empires. The First Was Egypt who defeated all small nations and was the top of technology at the time building pyramids, schools, temples, and kind of society buildings. They were defeated by the Second World Empire, Assyria. They were defeated by the Third World Empire, Babilon. They were defeated by the 4th World Empire, Me-do-Persia. They were defeated by the 5th World Empire, Greece. They were defeated by the 6th World Empire, Rome. They were defeated by disintegration of 10 Small Empires. The 7th World Empire was Anglo-American or Revived Rome, which started with Britain Empire, who defeated the 3 Kings in France (kicked ¨Jews¨ out on 9th of Av), Spain (kicked ¨Jews¨ out on the 9th of Av), and Netherlands. There are 7 Wonders of the World and 7 Deadly Sins. In Bible, 7 Golden Lamp-Stands, 7 Stars, 7 Seals, 7 Letters Addressed to 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 Thunders, 7 Kings, 7 Heads of the Beast, 7 Plagues, Light of 7 days, 7-Fold Punishment, 7 Patriarchs, 7 Altars, 7 Chakras, 7 Feasts Days of Tabernacles, and YHWH made the Earth in 7 Days and Rested on the 7th, the Sabbath. There are 7 Colors in a Rainbow and 7 Continents on Earth. Nebuchadnezzar, a Pagan King who favored the Eagle of Egypt, is credited with the Construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Iraq. He is also credited with the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem, which was built approximately 957 BC by King Solomon. In 586 B.C., Babylon invaded Israel and the Jewish people were taking into captivity for 70 years after the First Temple was destroyed. King Solomon, who was considered one of the wisest people of all time supposedly possessed a magic ring with a special symbol or Seal of Solomon. He used this ring to control demons and it gave him special powers such as forcing the demons to labor on the Construction of the Temple for they are very strong. Solomon was often said to be seen traveling on a magic carpet which was made of Greek silk and sixty miles long and sixty miles wide that would get caught up in the wind and sail through the air so he can instantaneously go from one destination to another. It was said to be shielded by a canopy of birds. This was a type of spaceship. Solomon married into Egypt and was a traitor to YHWH; one of the worst sins!!! Nebuchadnezzar is very prominent in the Book of Daniel in the Bible. Nebuchadnezzar had a dream where he describes the son of God emerge. Daniel interprets this dream as he will go insane and act like a lunatic for 7 years (Tribulation) because of his Pride. The Second Temple of Jerusalem, according to Book of Ezra, was authorized by Cyrus the Great, and building began approximately 538 BC, after the fall of the Babylonian Empire. It was built on same day as Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first temple. 777 is a number symbolizing YHWH (God). October 2016 is Hebrew Year 5777 and YESHUA THE MESSIAH can be returning around that time 7 Years after the Tribulation started in October 2009 when Barack Obama won the Peace Prize and broke it half way through with Obamacare in March 2013, 3.5 years through the Tribulation. 444 is a number symbolizing the presence of an angel such as Michael or Gabriel. 888 is a number symbolizing perfection in YHWH (God) 12 represents the 12 Tribes of Israel which Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob fathered. 144,000 represents the 144,000 Born Again followers of YHWH sealed with the mark of God on their forehead who can not be killed while they preach repentance to the nations, expose evil, and teach the gospel. BAD 44 represents the Son of Perdition or the 44th President of America. It represents a beast. 666 YESHUA (¨Jesus¨), SON OF YHWH (¨God¨) was born in Bethlehem at approximate Latitude and Longitude of 31.68, 35.2. Barack Obamas birthplace in Kenya has a Latitude and Longitude of 3.168, 35.2. Even his birth MOCKS Christ! Barack Obamas supposed birthplace was at approximately 21.6 Degrees Latitude. 6 x 6 x 6 is 216. Barack Obama was born in August 4, the 216 day of the Year; 6 x 6 x 6 is 216. Barack Hussein Obama is 18 letters divided by 3 names is 666. His area code in Chicago is 60606. Revelation 13:8 (CJB) states This is where wisdom is needed; those who understand should count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person, and its number is 666. When he was elected, the lottery numbers in his home town were 666. The next number picked was 7779. 777 is the Perfect Number and 9 is Judgement. Hollywood often pledges allegiance to Satan/Baal with 666 Hand gestures with example being famous rappers such as Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Drake, Jay-Z, and others, on American Idol, and in various areas of the polluted industry. 706 is 666 when done in hours. 6:00 OClock plus 66 minutes is 7:06. This is the time the Last Pope and False Prophet in the Book of Revelation Pope Francis was announced in New York on live television on Fox News. 13 represents the 13th Tribe of Dan Serpent Canaanite Brother Hood of the Snake Illuminati Bloodline(s). These are prominent today in the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Todd-Collins, and more. There is much to be revealed on United States Money. The Symbolization of Number 13 (Brotherhood of the Snake Illuminati Tribe of Dan Number) is abundantly illustrated on the back of the United States $1.00 Note. There are 13 Steps on the Pyramids, 13 Leaves on the Fig Tree, 13 Stripes on the Shield, 13 Stars, 13 Berries, 13 Arrows, and the Words Epluribus Unum and Annuit Coeptis both have 13 Letters. Many have said the symbolization of 13 was to represent the 13 Colonies. However, Satans Main Tool is Deception. The All-Seeing-Eye is on Top of the Pyramid on the Bill. YESHUA translates into Hebrew as The hand that destroys the establishment of the Eye. 33 33 is a Extremely Prominent number in our society. YESHUA (¨Jesus¨) died at 33. Satan (Lucifer) took 1/3 of the Angels out of Heaven with him when he fell which is 33.33 Percent. Mt. Hermon is also at 33 Degrees and this is where the Book of Enoch says the Grigori or Fallen Angels came down to Earth to mate with woman and created Nephilim (Reptilian) Bloodlines. YESHUA stood at the base of Mount Hermon when he asked the question to Simon Peter But whom say ye that I am? and Simon Peter answered and said Thou Art the Christ. The Highest Level of the Free Masonry revealed to most of the Public is 33, but there are many higher level. Latitude 33 Degrees is a Parallel Masonic Line of Death that can correlate with certain psychic energy. The Great Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle of Death (Pyramids), Japans Triangle of Death or Devils Sea, Nagasaki which was a Christian City Nuclear Bombed in Japan, Damascus in Syria, Mount Zion, The White House in Washington D.C., The Sacrifice of American Soldiers at Benghazi, Libya after they murdered Gaddafi, The Lucifer Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona, Georgia Guide Stones, Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, and Superbowl 2013 where the lights went out for 33 Minutes is all at approximately 33 Degrees Latitude. Mount Sodom, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Dead Sea all lay at the 33 Degree Mason Line. Pope John Paul 1 was in office for 33 days before his death. Prince William will 33 in 2015 when he uses Blue Beam Technology to have ¨Aliens¨ (Holograms) to claim he is YESHUA and offer the Mark of the Beast ¨Smart¨ Tattoo when the world is plagued with famine, disease (H1N1 Virus), and deception. Jacob Rothschild is the grandfather of Prince William and is from the Canaanite Nephilim Satanic Bloodline. 1933 was when the German government was contacted by an outside force. Monsanto was Incorporated as a Chemical Company in 1933. The Banking Act of 1933 was implemented the Year United States of America went Bankrupt after the Great Depression and Sold Americans as collateral to the Rothschild-Run-Federal Reserve. Satan Always Mimics YHWH AND HIS SON YESHUA. 133 symbolizes 13 and 33 at the same time. 420 is Adolf Hitlers birthday, the Anniversary of Columbine, a global national marijuana smoking day, and the date of many other tragic events. Www.GodWinsAlways.BlogSpot.Com , Peace and LOVE Always!!! Please Share... 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Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 18:59:55 +0000

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