Brandon called out our congressmen. SHARE if you agree. Make them - TopicsExpress


Brandon called out our congressmen. SHARE if you agree. Make them see it! Open letter sent via FB and email addressed to: Senator Alexander Senator Corker Representative Duncan -------------------------------- October 23, 2013 Sen. Lamar Alexander 455 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Sen. Bob Corker 425 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C., 20510 Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. 2207 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressmen, I am writing you today to ask you to cosponsor S. 403, the Safe Schools Improvement Act, sponsored by Senator Bob Casey and Congresswoman Linda Sanchez. This bipartisan legislation will ensure that states and school districts develop comprehensive, enumerated anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies that cover all students. The legislation will also focus on effective prevention strategies to help school personnel respond to bullying and harassment, and it will collect necessary data on incidents of bullying and harassment to better inform administrative efforts to address to the problem. This is a simple step for schools to take, but one that will make a real difference in the lives of students nationwide. Thats why this legislation is supported by a broad coalition of leading national education organizations. Currently, there is no federal policy to address bullying and harassment in schools, resulting in a patchwork of state policies across the country which vary widely in effectiveness. The Safe Schools Improvement Act would ensure that every district has a comprehensive anti-bullying policy in place that can be tailored to meet the needs of their community. Please cosponsor S.403, the Safe Schools Improvement Act today. I want to feel, as a gay student in Tennessee, that those elected are representing me in the best possible way. Government officials that dont take priority in the protection of students rights are apathetic to their constituents. Please, for the sake of student safety and education, consider sponsoring this bill. I am not asking you to become a Democrat, or even to become liberal. I am simply asking you to represent the best interest of your constituents, who will the future of these United States of America. If you truly care about my peers and I, youll ask for a testimony about how this has affected youth, including me, in your home state. Go ahead. Ask out loud about what students in Tennessee experience. For once, take a moment to care about the youth. Thank you for your consideration. I expect that I will soon hear back from you all. In solidarity, Brandon Ray Huckaby, Student Business, Law, and Public Affairs Academy Hardin Valley Academy, Knoxville, TN BrandonHuckaby@live
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:28:52 +0000

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