Brannon Kamahana Kealoha Waianae, Hawaii 96792 Testimony to OHA - TopicsExpress


Brannon Kamahana Kealoha Waianae, Hawaii 96792 Testimony to OHA for Public Hearing on 5/29/2014 regarding Kanaiolowalu: Anoʻai representatives, Let’s remember OHA was established and is maintained by our illegal occupier the United States of America, To begin I ask all of us to imagine a Hawaii where the public trust lands are not held hostage by military occupation in the guise of exclusive racial Hawaiian betterment. Imagine a public trust and its assets not being mishandled and grossly, criminally mismanaged, but being cared for and bearing fruit for all. Envision a Hawaii where profits and benefits from this land management are not excluded from the majority of the public this “trust” pretends to benefit. Make this a Hawaii, the land where Pono supposedly originates FROM… a pono Hawaii not one of institutionalized racism. Consider reparation and justice not based on blood-quantum, but based on international law and Kingdom Citizen “heirship.” First of all the numbers you have skewed to show support for Kanaiolowalu is a farce. Over 125,000 or so is your claim. Yet in my family alone more than 10 names were stolen by OHA. These people are dead or underaged and in no way gave their name to OHA to be used for Kanaiolowalu or any (quote) “nation building initiative.” This is the greatest hewa. Stealing the names of our dead and underaged. You may have passed a law but that law has no jurisdiction other than that which is imagined by the United States exclusively. Second, institutionalized racism is not helping us. It is maintaining an atmosphere and culture of racism both within our Hawaiian ethnicity and between the Hawaiian ethnicity and all others. I have lived to know four generations in my ohana since OHA was founded- my great-grandfather Sam Kamuela Kealoha, my grandfather Fern Kahekili Kealoha, my father Brian Kawika Kealoha, and I have not received one benefit from lands OHA holds hostage from the public trust for a racist initiative that is grossly and criminally negligent to its racist charge. According to an attached flyer from just one of many of OHAs so-called “attempts” to reach out to the community regarding the Kanaiolowalu initiative: “ONLY HAWAIIANS ON THE OFFICIAL HAWAIIAN ROLL WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NATION-BUILDING PROCESS” What gives you the jurisdiction to declare and enforce that ultimatum? What makes you official? Excuse me, did any of us sign up for occupation? Then why would I have to sign to become unoccupied? Is not our illegal occupation recognition enough? If it isn’t, that’s where we should start. We don’t need to be recognized. We need to be accorded law by world wide international standards, not by the standards of our illegal occupier and you, their representative, who hold hostage assets of the Hawaiian Kingdom for a failed racist policy. Why would we build a governing entity when one already exists? And the one that already exists, the Hawaiian Kingdom- its executive seat of power has been occupied militarily by the US for more than a century. COURTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW- THE UH LAW SCHOOL EVEN- AGREE, THAT THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM STILL LEGALLY EXISTS TODAY. The burden is on the US to declare its view of the existing Hawaiian Kingdom. That’s where we should be clearly focusing our resources. The burden of “Nation building” is not on us, the occupied, because sovereignty was never relinquished- the nation still exists… albeit with its executive seat of power surrendered conditionally… but not relinquished. Attached the Queen’s conditional abdication under duress states: “I do, under this protest and impelled by said forces, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.” The U.S. AGREED TO THIS when they agreed to replace the illegal Provisional Government with themselves. ITS TIME FOR AMERICA TO FULFILL THE CONDITION OF THIS TEMPORARY ABDICATION but NOT BY HAVING The Kingdom of HAWAII BECOME OCCUPIED BY OHA, again an institution founded by America, our occupier. ANY ATTEMPT TO OCCUPY THE KINGDOM OF HAWAII’S EXISTING EXECUTIVE SEAT OF POWER WITH ANOTHER FOREIGN, American, ENTITY IS STILL AN OCCUPATION. This is what OHA is to its core. American in origin. This is an OHA, aka American, initiative improperly characterized as neutral. Spending over 3 million dollars on quote “nation building” activities is not just a farce but a gross misuse of assets that are meant to benefit racial Hawaiians. Spending 3 million dollars on lobbying is not “being neutral.: Again 4 generations in my family… and no such benefit has been seen as described in OHAs mission. I DO NOT WANT OHA, A HISTORICALLY AND PRESENTLY GROSSLY INCAPABLE AGENCY OF UNITED STATES ORIGINS TO USURP THIS EXECUTIVE SEAT OF POWER FROM THE UNITED STATES. THIS WOULD EFFECTIVELY BE A CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF THE KINGDOM OF HAWAII. Let us truly remember the words of our ancestors: Aole aʻe kau i ka pulima Ma luna o ka pepa o ka enemi, Hoohui aina kuʻai hewa, I ka pono sivila aʻo ke kanaka. No one will fix a signature To the paper of the enemy With its sin of annexation And sale of native civil rights. Aole Kanaiolowalu. Kamahana Kealoha
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 03:20:45 +0000

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