Brant, what should I do? Take this job, or stay at this job, or go - TopicsExpress


Brant, what should I do? Take this job, or stay at this job, or go to this school, or do this part-time, or...? --- Great questions. Short answer: I dont know. Slightly longer answer, four things: 1) Ask God for wisdom. For real. Tell Him you dont know what youre doing. Youre a sheep; Hes a Shepherd. He likes leading us. 2) Remind yourself how GREAT it is to actually have options. Historically, this is not a given for humans. 3) Realize that to decide, means, literally, to cut off. (From the same root wood as scissors, for instance.) Ruling out options is not a terrible thing. It has to happen. 4) Know that Gods will for you is actually very clear: Love Him, with all your heart, and love your neighbor. Our career and educational choices are important, sure, but maybe not as all-important as we think. Its possible God has given you a wide-open playing field. I know this: Wherever I am, He wants my heart.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 22:28:00 +0000

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