Bravo Carol well said... Carol French: I would like to know if - TopicsExpress


Bravo Carol well said... Carol French: I would like to know if any of the gubintorial candidates weighed in the economic Costs vs. Benefits? Have they researched the industries SEC files? If so, who is the gas industries liability insure and are they insuring $50,000,000.00 per well which is required by the SEC? This is to protect the investors not the people living in the gas fields. My point is that any candidate must place a dollar figure on every spill, loss of land use, loss of property value, loss of property ownership, loss of health, loss of preexisting industry, water,soil, air and most importantly the loss of LIFE. Then with that cost compare it with the industries projected economics benefits. The reason this is important is the Newly elected Govornor will take the oath to protect the safety and well- being of the people living in the Commonwealth and must have a plan to do so! I do not agree with Hanger and his plan to introduce newer, stricter regulations will be enough. Regulations of any type at this time is merely a band-aid, simply trying to create a false sence of security among the people that have been harmed. A true ethical and morally sound candidate would introduce a comprehensive plan insuring areas of quality & quantity potable water for all of the Commonwealth to use. Is there a filtration system that will provide water for human consumption? If not ( there are trial papers and DEP files proving that the filtered water is not for human consumption), what is the back up plan for the commonwealth? Water alone is proving to be a higher commodity than natural gas. We are trying to derail a run away freight train. The elected officials have lost control and must place a freeze on all petroleum activities or face economic suicide! That is why we scrutinize the behavior of every candidate, because the people living in the commonwealth understand what is a at stake. It is our investments and if we lose them we lose our future!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 02:23:39 +0000

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