Brazil 1 - Germany 7. On Brazils soil. In the presence of - TopicsExpress


Brazil 1 - Germany 7. On Brazils soil. In the presence of multitudes of Brazilian crowd. Not as if the Germans were extraordinary in their style of play, compared with their previous matches against the other Nations. The Brazilians either were not dozen off on the pitch. In fact, one could see the eagerness, the seriousness and the determinations to carry the day from the way they marched into the field of play, and the gesture demonstrated in the chanting and reciting their national anthem. But amazingly and to the utmost disbelieve of many, they lost! Woefully too. Many people have crucified the zamba boys for disappointing their nation. Many have called them some ridiculous names. Many laughed at their fall. Many labeled them the most ridiculous football team that would go down in the history of the game. Whao! I deeply feel for them. However, there are great lessons to learn from this. I compared the Brazilian tragedy to human experiences in life. First of all, these soccer dudes lost woefully because of too much expectations from them since they were the host Country, playing on their own soil, in the presence of multitude of fellow Countrymen. The anxiety and eagerness from these expectations resulted in great confusion for the boys, especially when they conceded the first goal at the early stage of the game. The goal came as a great shock, and unprepared for, so much so that they were really confused and disorganized. The Germans capitalized on this, and by the time the Brazilians could recover, the second goal in less than ten minutes from the first, did even more damage, and alas! the end of road for the valiant Brazilians. In life, when there are much expectations from man, it is an heavy load on him, and he must be prepared to carry it out successfully. DO NOT ALLOW A SLIDE OR PARTIAL FAILURE TO DETRACT YOU FROM ACHIVING LOFTY GOALS. That was part of what the Brazilian did. They got demoralized and dejected just because of early goal from the Germans. The absence of their key strikers in the game also probably played a key role. They have built their trust and success on Neyma and Silver alone! NEVER BUILD YOUR TRUST AND HOPE FOR SUCCESS ON ANYONE! Human being can/will fail and disappoint. If the Brazilians have had the premonition of this earlier, perhaps they would not have fallen into this tragic end. Adieu Brazil! No matter how shining and whitish the sky might look, there will always be a darker side. This year is not yours. Never allow this little fall to kill and bury for ever, the legacy that you have created in football. Learn from your mistakes, adjust and rise again. There will always be another time, another chance. The Brazilian soccer will rise again.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:11:10 +0000

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