Bread and Circus for the Peons. Onion News illustrates the - TopicsExpress


Bread and Circus for the Peons. Onion News illustrates the dumbing down of the population. So lets go spread more kitty and dog videos, get tattoos, and body piercings! Lets get our news from Comedy Central! It makes us laugh so we dont have to think about the real problems this country and this world has: Taxes (property tax, State income tax, Federal Income tax, sales tax, gas tax, inheritance tax, Social Security tax (FICA,) capital gains tax,,,,) Strangling regulations that make it that only the haves can start a business or run a business because they can afford the lawyers, the licenses, the insurances, and meeting all the government regulatory standards. The crimination of uncertified tradesmen, SWAT teams arresting barbers and dentists for not having the proper papers, shutting down little girls selling lemon-aide, shutting down a high school girl for selling cookies from parents kitchen. Overseas threats, Putin attempting to bring back the Soviet Empire, The Rise of China as a belligerent state claiming all the South China Seas as theirs, ISIS beheading American journalist and people in the region that will not convert to their faith, the conflict between Israel and Gaza, Syria gassing their own citizens, the rise of a nuclear Iran, an already nuclear Pakistan and North Korea. Our raising police state, the militarization of our police like an occupying foreign army, finger printing our teachers, taking urine samples from our workers A $17,500,000,000,000.00+ government debt that is still climbing, That is now a trillion dollars more then entire nations GNP. American medium household incomes dropping by $5,000 a year as we struggle with higher food prices, higher energy prices, and higher rents. Education, medical, and cable\internet prices increase way above the rate of inflation. Most of us living from pay check to pay check, only one disaster away from complete ruin. The majority of black children born to unwed mothers along with the increase of all American children raised in single parent households, and all the social problems that causes our children and the nation as a whole. Our schools being turned into day prisons with draconian no tolerance rules, mettle detectors, where students need to escorted to the lunchroom only missing the leg irons and orange prison grab. Play dates where we no longer allow our children to just go out a play without parental supervision. Parents being arrested for allowing their children to play alone in a playground or in the street in front of their homes. The rise of the thought police and political correctness, where careers can be destroyed for using the wrong word or phrase. Where we now teach our children to be hyper-sensitive instead thick skinned. America having the largest prison population in the world, which has now become a commercial industry that depends on inmates to make a profit. More Americans on government assistance than any other time in American history. The loss of privacy, credit checks to get a job, surveillance cameras every where, tracking in our phones, the NSA spying on American citizens. We have real problems. We need to REFORMAT and REBOOT our system. Freedom and opportunity is what made a America great. Not European socialism and centralized planning, not a nanny state, not having Uncle Sam as a replacement father for too many of our children. But I forget. I need psychological help and I am not rational. So never mind, go on as you were.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:16:18 +0000

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