Bread by Faith November 27: Matthew 25:31-40 Key Verse: Matthew - TopicsExpress


Bread by Faith November 27: Matthew 25:31-40 Key Verse: Matthew 25:40 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Devotion: We must always be ready for Christ’s return! This is something that Christ has given to us many times and one that so many preachers like to remind us of… why? Because it is important! But let us never forget about the here and now. Let us never forget about what we should be doing right now for this moment. We are given a single life from God and we should be living that life to the best of our ability. That does not necessarily mean that we have to get straight A’s all through school and achieve the best job that we can in industry earning all the money in the world; it means that we should be making the most of what God has given each of us. He gives each of us different abilities and very different minds. He gives us very different bodies and very different hearts. I love the fact that God has given me a big heart, but with it comes a whole lot of responsibility and more work than I could ever have imagined! When Jesus said that He was thankful for all that the people had done for Him, for the help, love and care, the people did not understand how they could have done this without first knowing Christ. What Jesus told them must make us stop and think. What we do to other people is seen, heard and felt by God because God is in every Christian. So when we love without measure, care beyond what is required and lift up higher than ourselves, we are doing these things to God as well. He notices! This is what I mean about taking care of the here and now. Making sure we take that extra step. Making sure that we go that extra mile. Making sure that we give when we think we have no more. Jesus was moved with compassion when the widow gave her mite at the temple because He knew it was more than she could reasonably afford; Jesus felt the love that she showed by giving. We need to stop counting the cost of Christian living and start giving time, love, energy and heart back into community. Points to Ponder: Do you count the cost of giving? Have you measured what Jesus gave?
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 06:09:49 +0000

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