Bread of life John 6:35 For such is the kingdom of God 4 "And I - TopicsExpress


Bread of life John 6:35 For such is the kingdom of God 4 "And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him! "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows" Luk12:4-7. Our Lord Jesus asked us in the verses above a very tough request when He asked us not to be afraid of the people who can kill the body. I think of this commandment is one of the hardest commandments but it seems that children can also do it easily. Let me tell you a story to make my point. It was a long flight and in the middle of the flight the cabin crew woke the passengers up and asked them to keep their seats in an upright position and to fasten the seat belts. Then the plane started bouncing up and down in the air and then after half an hour it got worse to the limit that the crew announced that they will not be able to serve the meal that was planned to be served at that time which gave the passengers one more reason to worry and they started sharing their panic with those around them. In the middle of all this, they noticed a young girl who was very calm and reading a book as if she were by the beach. So one of the passengers asked her if she was afraid and does not want to say and also asked her about her parents because he could not believe that she made that long trip on her own. The girl answered the two questions with one short answer saying: my father is the captain! That girl was very calm because she knew that everything was going to be fine because her father was the captain and hence she knew that whatever He was doing was the best for her. This story is repeated many times every day and so many times you will see a child sleeping on the shoulders of his father in the worst conditions and in serious dangers. This is what our Lord Jesus asked us to do. If we really trust him then we will be more concerned with our relationship with our father and we will not be concerned about the things that threaten our lives because we trust that our father will never abandon us but we will rather be afraid of anything that can taint our relationship with God. If we think like that girl we would know that nothing bad could happen to us because our father will make sure that everything works for the best as the bible says "we know that all things work together for good to those who love God" Rom8:28. We need to know like that girl that our father will turn the bumps on the way to something great but to enjoy this we need to become like children as our Lord Jesus said about children "for such is the kingdom of God" Mat19:14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prayer :(My prayer is that the following prayers will unit our hearts in front of the Lord) General prayer: Lord I ask you to teach to turn the other cheek. Persona prayer: Lord I ask you to make me like a child in Your great hands. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” Phi 4:7 Bread of life is a ministry based on readers’ contributions, it is a daily reading and reflection on the holy bible, a prayer send daily by email 5 times a week, Monday through Friday and takes about 5 minutes to read, but our prayer is that it will benefit you all day long. Please forward this message to anyone who you think would benefit from it. Anyone can receive our emails simply by sending a message to our address breadoflifemessage@yahoo This ministry is based on readers contributions, your contribution can be ; A reflection you thought of Your feedback to improve the ministry Prayer request You can do this be sending a message to the email above. Unless otherwise mentioned, all bible quotes are from NKJV.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:02:39 +0000

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