Bread of the day: Whole-wheat with roasted sunflower seeds and - TopicsExpress


Bread of the day: Whole-wheat with roasted sunflower seeds and honey. Greetings friends. Todays bread is a variation of the whol-wheat bread I made several weeks ago. If you recall, whole-wheat flour absorbs more water than white- flour and requires a longer resting period after the initial mix. I enjoy whole-wheat bread but I like it when its moist as well. Have you ever had whole-wheat bread that is dry as cardboard? I have and because of it, I tend to shy away from it at restaurants, etc. The dryness can be mitigated by adding honey or currants. I have done both at times with great success. Ingredients 1. Leaven-200 grams. 2. Water-800 grams. 3. Whole-wheat flour-700 grams. 4. All purpose flour-300 grams. 5. Salt-20 grams. 6. Honey-3 tablespoons. Process 1. Prepare the leaven. When the leaven passes the float test, you are ready to mix the whole-wheat dough. 2. Pour warm water into a large mixing box. Add the leaven and stir to disperse. Add the whole-wheat flour and the all-purpose flour. Using your hands, mix thoroughly until no bits of dry flour remain. Let the dough rest in the bowl 45-60 minutes. 3. Heat oven to 405 degrees. Place the sunflower seeds on a baking sheet. Roast for 15 minutes. Remove. 4. Begin the bulk furmentation process. After the second turn. add the roasted sunflower seeds. Use your hands to cut and squeeze the seeds into the dough. 5. Complete the bulk fermentation process. 6. Pre-heat your oven to 500 degrees. Place the dough in the Dutch Oven within the oven. Reduce heat to 450 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove cover and bake 25-35 minutes more. Baking time for whole-wheat bread is longer than Basic Country. 7. Remove and oool. Friends, I present to you whole-wheat bread with roasted sunflower seeds. I topped it with with marmolade jelly for a special treat. The bread turned out very well and it was delicious. The addition of honey ensured it was moist. Would you enjoy this bread? What would you enjoy with it? Thank you for your support and feedback. I never take it for granted. Cheers.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 11:06:50 +0000

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