Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours Jeremiah 6:18-20 - My - TopicsExpress


Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours Jeremiah 6:18-20 - My grief is beyond healing; my heart is broken. Listen to the weeping of my people; it can be heard all across the land. Has the LORD abandoned Jerusalem ? the people ask. Is her King no longer there? Oh, why have they angered me with their carved idols and worthless gods? asks the LORD. The harvest is finished, and the summer is gone, the people cry, yet we are not saved! Prophets like Jeremiah got the hard job of daily reminding the people of God’s will. It was not a popular job….nor did the ones chosen see much satisfaction from the people they spoke too. Most days they felt like Jeremiah…frustrated…hurt…broken. Most days their prayers to God were full of tears…wondering why people would not listen to the message God had given them. Jeremiah got it…he lived the chorus from HIllsong’s Hosanna…and he hurt for the lack of understanding the people he was sent to try and save had. He felt God’s presence every moment of his life…and saw what was coming for those that he could not convince of God’s message. He hurt because he let God heal his heart to the point that it could feel the pain of the world around him. I admit that most days I am still too focused on my own needs to even ask God to send me to help anyone. My selfishness….and that crazy hypocrisy I try so hard to shake out of my heart get in the way of me feeling the hurt around me….seeing the suffering of others….asking God what resource he gave me that might help them. I sure needed a dose of Jeremiah’s pain this morning….so it would help me remember that living in this world is not about me. It is about becoming more like Jesus…even to the point of letting him break my heart for what broke his on that cross the day he died for my sins. I might hear God’s voice telling me more of his plan if my heart is broken like Jeremiah’s was. The story did not end there folks. He rose victorious from a dark grave…and commissioned all of his disciples…even the ones born in the 21st century to go make disciples of everyone in the whole word. He commissioned us to heal…and to serve others the way he modeled for us when he walked the Earth so many years ago. I am sure that my heart will break on that day that he returns to claim us….if all my friends and loved ones are not claimed with me. I will be the one crying….The harvest is finished, and the summer is gone, and yet my friends and family are not saved!…for it will be too late. Sure…God will erase my sorrow…for I am told that there are no more tears in Heaven….but for now…I need to maintain a broken heart…so I will work all the more diligently for God while there is time. Father….thank you for the reminder that I get a little too complacent in my heart for the things that matter most to you. Forgive me once again for letting my heart become a bit too hard…and becoming too selfish and self-centered. Wash me of that evil emotion and start the refining process once again that will break my heart for what breaks yours….so I can become a bold servant that you can use to bring in a better harvest…so you can use me to help the others you have placed around me….so I can be stronger in my faith. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:02:28 +0000

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