Break The Rules To Improve Your English Skills Youve spent years - TopicsExpress


Break The Rules To Improve Your English Skills Youve spent years or months memorizing vocabulary, cramming grammar rules and yet you feel your English could be better? You feel that you deserve better? So break the rules! Didnt they tell you: “Study hard, remember this, remember that, blah blah blah...”? Forget it! Get their ideas off your head and fill your mind with your own, better way of thinking! Be a rebel! Take the initiative, its you who should be in control! Perhaps right now youre thinking something like “How being a rebel may help me in developing English skills? Shouldnt I follow the rules, like I did so many years before?” or “It cant be true, when youre a rebel nothing good happens to you.” Well, consider this statement: Only those who believe they can change the world are the ones who do. And its 100 per cent accurate! Lets take an example everybody knows: Albert Einstein. He changed the way we perceive the world because he was a rebel. He discovered that there was something lacking in the laws of physics and he wasnt afraid to stand up and yell, “Hey, guys! Its not true what you have in here! Newton wasnt absolutely right!” He had the courage to show off, proving that being rebellious may be beneficial for you. And its Einstein who said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. So far, so good. But you may say, “OK, I got the point – but what does it have to do with learning languages? Its not the same, you cant discover anything new in the field of English language”. But yes, you can. And you should discover something new, every day you should rethink the language. Never take anything for granted. Keep your mind busy, listen to podcasts, read some articles. And dont study grammar or vocabulary – its not going to make you any good! Because when you start to learn by heart, you quickly get bored since youre only expanding your knowledge. And remember, imagination, intuition, intelligence are far more important than memorizing! Of course, you could try to learn English “traditionally”, use textbooks and study the rules: “Use Present Simple in following situations...” but honestly, is it interesting? By doing it, do you feel that you want to immerse yourself in English, or would you rather run away as fast as you can...? I bet youd love to burn your grammar books. So do it! See them burn...and let yourself learn English intuitively, effortlessly, with a smile on your face! Dont you think its great? You know how to study English better, how to speak without any problems – because you know theres an alternative approach! You realize that theres a different approach that is better, more effective – so why dont you start today? Dont let yourself fall into some schemes. Dont let anybody put you into some schemes. Its all you need to speak English fluently. You see, using schemes kills your creativity. Your mind suffocates every time you decide to learn something by heart. Dont do it! Dont let your mind die! Feed your brains with fresh ideas, let it bloom – and in return it will help you to achieve your aims painlessly. Dont forget that schemes are useful only in factories, and your mind is no factory – its brilliant, unique and definitely deserves more! If you fall into schemes, you no longer know whats good for you because you believe schemes – and theyre so harmful to studying... Be a rebel! Think different! Just allow yourself to feel the language, be intuitive about it, love it and keep listening to it; youll see that in no time youre going to be much better than all those people memorizing grammar books. Theyll sta-sta-stammer and stu-stu-stu-tter and youll talk freely and fluently because youve become a rebel!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:52:12 +0000

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