Breaking Bad clip in latest Beauty Over Power lol! Love me - TopicsExpress


Breaking Bad clip in latest Beauty Over Power lol! Love me some Ozymandias, though. Theres a reason hes my fave Watchmen character/comic book character period. Look on my works ye mighty and despair! Oh, the hubris of mankind, thinking we are so great, our fruitive activity is so important, striving to gain pratistha beyond almost anything else. Surely building something for the world to marvel at, something that will last forever, make the person continue to be talked about after they die so as to make them live on, is the greatest thing in life, right? I mean, what else could there be thats better than this? Almost every person wishes in their heart to some extent to be world-renowned for one reason or another, and if they dont, they still want some recognition, praise, and high-consideration from those they give those things to. The false ego is so demanding and so fragile that it throws tantrums like children any time they dont receive a pat on the back for receiving an A, for not being complimented on an outfit they took a lot of time to put together, for not having their thoughts and feelings validated, etc. Its pretty exhausting being driven around helplessly by the egos pursuit of attention and acknowledgement. Were so desperate to claim the spotlight, and so forgetful of who the spotlight is really for. There is no fear of mortality when we remember who we really are. There is no desire for fame and fortune when we know that this belongs only to Krsna. There is no delusion of grandeur when we see how infinitesimally small we are, but also no despair over this fact when we know how beautiful the Infinite is. And HIS works will -never- vanish.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:26:22 +0000

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