Breaking News OR Faking News…1. Hindustan Times – Shobhna - TopicsExpress


Breaking News OR Faking News…1. Hindustan Times – Shobhna Bhartia, ownerand editor-in-chief of Hindustan Times is aCongress MP from Rajya Sabha.2. Vinod Sharma, HT Political Affairs editor, isessentially a Congress spokesman on all TV paneldiscussion s, because once his boss’ term getsover, he will be looking out for her RS seat next3. Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi, famous Congressstooges (and intermediaries for UPA allies) whowere exposed in the Radiagate scandal, and arevirtual Cong5nd op-ed columnsmost frequently (once every week) on theeditorial pages of HT. In return, Barkha andSanghvi are rewarded with Padma Shris andother monetary compensation by the Nehrudynasty or Congress party.4. NDTV’s promoters are Prannoy Roy andRadhika Roy. Radhika’s sister Brinda Karat is afamous CPM leader (well known for anti-BabaRamdev views) and Brinda’s husband PrakashKarat is the CPM Politburo General Secretary(well known for preferring Congress over BJP).And Prannoy Roy’s first cousin is the famousfar-lefti st pro-Maoist-Naxa lite pro-Kashmiri-te rrorists “intellectual” Arundhati Suzanna Roy.5. NDTV’s Barkha Dutt’s reality has already beenexposed by me in above section.6. NDTV’s Sonia Singh is the wife of UttarPradesh Congress MP, Union minister and ex-princely state ruler, Mr. R. P. N. Singh, who isone of the fastest rising stars in the Congressparty. If you remember, Sonia Singh is a veryhigh-profil e anchor on NDTV whose pro-Congress anti-BJP bias is legendary.7. NDTV’s Nidhi Razdan (high-profile anchor ofLeft Right Centre) is the current girlfriend ofJ&K CM Omar Abdullah (after Omar recentlydivorce d his wife of several years and mother ofhis two children, Payal). Nidhi Razdan is alsofamous for her legendary pro-Congress and anti-BJP bias.8. CNN-IBN : Rajdeep Sardesai’s wife and co-promoter of CNN-IBN, Sagarika Ghose, whoanchors Face the Nation and is famousjournalis t of CNN-IBN (well, her hubby is theowner-editor -in-chief after all) are famousCongress stooges.9. Sagarika Ghose’s father Bhaskar Ghose was afamous sarkari babu and was made the chief ofPrasar Bharati (Doordarshan) during Indira andRajiv regimes. Bhaskar Ghose was well-knownfor personal loyalty to the Nehru dynasty, andnow his daughter and son-in-law are rewardedwith their own channel to do Congresspropaga nda.10. In fact Sagarika’s extended family evenconsists of her aunts Ruma Pal (former SupremeCourt justice and a close friend of the Nehrufamily) and Arundhati Ghose (former diplomatand Indian ambassador to various countries,predi ctably, under Congress regimes).11. Let’s now come to another famous CNN-IBNmedia personality who also writes columnsfrequent ly for Hindustan Times — Karan Thapar.What you may not know is that the Nehru familyitself is related, through blood and marriages, tothe high-profile Thapar family. India’s Armychief during the 1962 debacle against China,Gen. P. N. Thapar, is brother-in-law ofNayantara Sehgal, the daughter of VijaylakshmiPan dit and niece of Jawaharlal Nehru. Gen.Thapar’s son is pro-Congress journalist KaranThapar. Gen. Thapar’s sister is Romila Thapar, afamous “top” typical JNU Nehruvian communistideolo gue historian, who gets to write ourtextbooks and pollute them with pro-CongressMar xist propaganda.12. The Hindu – The Worst – N. Ram, owner andeditor-in-ch ief (till February 2012) of The Hindu,was once a vice president of the StudentsFederat ion of India. SFI is the students’ wing ofthe CPM.13. P. Sainath of the The Hindu (acclaimedjourn alist well known for his, again,unsurpris ingly, typical left-wing Nehruviancommun ism ideology), is the nephew ofCongress politician V. Shankar Giri and thegrandson of V. V. Giri, ex-President of India andfamous Congress politician. Giri was especiallyknown to be one of the first few staunchloyalist s of Indira, and whom Indira fielded forPresident elections against her own party’sNeelam Sanjeeva Reddy, and who ultimatelybecam e the cause of the first high-profile splitin the Indian National Congress into Congress(O) and Congress (I) — almost all the pre-independenc e regional stalwarts split away tojoin Congress (O) or form their own stateparties, and the rest including Giri (all theloyalists of the Nehru family staying on withIndira).14. News24 Hindi media channel? Owned by ex-journalist and editor Rajiv Shukla&his wife,famous Congress MP in Rajya Sabha, Unionminister, industrialist, BCCI vice president andIPL chairman.15. Or even what about little known Lokmat(and IBN Lokmat) that is Marathi newspaper (andchannel) in Maharashtra? Owner and editors-in-chie f are the brothers Vijay Darda (Congress MP)and Rajendra Darda (Congress MLA inMaharashtra, and minister in state govt).16. Or even the other bigger and smaller mediahouses, such as The Times of India and IndianExpress, where the Nehru dynasty has managedto infiltrate its loyalists such as DileepPadgaonka r and Shekhar Gupta, who areessentially paid stooges of the Congress party.17. Vinod Mehta - Outlook editor has been wellknown to take anti BJP stand.The Congress (in fact just the one single family— the Nehru dynasty) has been in power for 56of the last 65 years of independence. Thismatters a LOT. Personal relationships have beenbuilt, blackmail-worth y secrets have been spied,monumenta l wealth has been accumulated… allby the one single Nehru dynasty (and its family-business -cum-political- party aka Congress) thathelps it maintain its tight iron grip over not justthe entire Indian mainstream media, but alsodeep into our bureaucracy, our governmentalins titutions, and even our journalism and massmedia colleges and grad schools.We have probably not even scratched thesurface of the network of family and personalrelatio nships through which the Nehru dynastyhas completely dominated and controlled theentire intellectual, historian and journalistlands cape of India. And we haven’t even talkedabout the monumental wealth or theblackmailing secrets. All because the one singledynasty got to rule over India for 60 yearsuninterrup ted. It matters a LOT. The typical JNUNehruvian communist left-libbers ideologueshave really perpetrated some kind ofstranglehold on India’s journalism, media andintellectual space.Even the great venerable Ramnath Goenka,frustrat ed and broken by repeated I-T raids andED investigations ultimately had to fire ArunShourie twice from the Indian Express, whichwas once the best Indian newspaper in the1970s and 80s. That was the team — Goenka theowner, Shourie the editor, and S. Gurumurthythe fearless journalist, that brought politicalheavyw eights like Indira Gandhi down on herknees and even took on corporate honchos likeDhirubhai Ambani. (Ramnath Goenka inspiredthe Mithun Chakraborty character and S.Gurumurthy inspired the R. Madhavan characterin the Ambani biopic movie “Guru”.)Almost all opposition (or even centre-rightide ologues) journalists have been slowly thrownout of their jobs due to pressure from theCongress and the Nehru family. But very fewcentre-right ideologues are left in India’s mediaspace today, that too in minor publications likeThe Pioneer. Almost all the mainstream mediahouses have been thoroughly infiltrated andcoerced into towing the Congress’ line,sometimes just through ideology andrelationship s, and not even money power. TheCongress party essentially owns and controlsevery single mainstream media house in India,including Hindustan Times, The Times of India,NDTV, CNN-IBN, The Hindu, Tehelka, Outlook,etc" Like
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 14:09:37 +0000

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