Breaking News! Read all about! Friends of SKD Jr. offers to - TopicsExpress


Breaking News! Read all about! Friends of SKD Jr. offers to assist Grand Gedeans in jail from funds raised in the USA! Seriously Kwame, are you actually suggesting that its okay to utilize the same play book that off course, have been used many times before by failed politicians , the very people that you hope to replace ? Are you honestly saying that youre okay with the practice that the masses as youve referred to them, should only benefits from their potential leaders during the campaign period, and as such, its also fine with you if Samuel Doe Jr. uses the same strategies from the old play book , even though, were crying for change? What amazed me more about your contribution to this discussion, was when you said, Now, the style of donation might be a little bit disturbing to some of us, however, SKD Jr is “grabbing on every straw as a drowning man” to assist in his weak ways. Very smart, But wait a minute, I was a bit perplex when I tried to make sense of everything else you said, especially, on the issue of how the masses have been benefiting during elections seasons . let say for a minute, your suggestion about the acceptable practices during elections times which youve approved , are right and those practices should continue as usual. Then my question to you Mr. Weeks, will be , Given the current situation, I mean The upcoming fundraisers , with Samuel Doe Jr. being the politician, and the Brothers in prison being the Masses, of the two, which one do you think will be benefiting more from these events? I mean, if you ask me the same question, I will honestly tell you that in the above scenario, the so called Masses will not be benefitting as expected or alleged by you Mr. weeks. I will honestly inform them, that contrary the belief of Mr. Weeks, it seems, instead of they benefiting as the so-called Masses, their situation will be exploited for the sole purpose of one guy reaching his political goal. I mean, that just my honest opinion. Further, my concern with this whole thing is not with who did what before, or how did they do things in the past. My concerns are how things gets done moving forward. Conflict of interest , does that means anything anymore? My concerns are with that attitude of Business as usual. As such, changing the Status quo is what I will expect from any aspirant or a candidate. And also, I will expect and hope that we are all putting our country and county first in anything of such nature. G. Todd Joe Garlo Francis
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:05:58 +0000

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