Breaking News in the Shark Cull. The cull has been delayed. - TopicsExpress


Breaking News in the Shark Cull. The cull has been delayed. Boat crews are reluctant to sign on for fear of the growing protestors, the fleet of small boats setting up watches, bad press and having their businesses placed at risk. Greg Hunt has authorized the cull to be allowed and to bypass EPBC Act provisos to prevent drum line controls until April 1st as requested by Tony Abbott. Additionally Colin Barnett has claimed that after receiving death threats from protestors over the phone that they are waiting to initiate the cull. He blames the WASC and has security surveillance set up and police patrols watching Ross Weirs home, and monitoring/bugging his phone calls and computer communications. It was also claimed that a member of the public threw rocks through all of the windows of Barnetts office and spray painted ego-maniac on his wall. It is my personal belief based on past encounters with the folks involved in Western Australia, and my close relationship with several of the heads of the Pro White shark cull opposition, that Mr. Barnetts so called phone threats and the vandalism that took place are not actually the work of anyone involved in trying to stop the cull but are in fact the work of his own office in an attempt to discredit the WASC and SSCS and other organizations attempting to defend sharks. It has been my personal experience that Politicians as deeply in trouble as Mr. Barnett, have no compulsion against using any tactic to attempt to shift the spotlight from their own criminal acts. This cull order was first targeted by the WASC long before anyone else got involved. For the past few years they have stood against the attempts and I am honored to have been brought in to join them in this fight. Myself and my group, Sharks for Life, have taken an active roll in both initiating the research as well as planning and working on the campaign in support of the WASC campaign that was first under way. In the past few years of working on this issue with the WASC I can honestly say that I believe in the integrity of its members to conduct themselves in a professional manner. The same holds true for the SSCS and all other related NGOs and groups who have joined us in this fight. I do not believe that this so called Phone threat is anything more than a smoke screen. Just as the story goes If something seems to be too good it usually is, one can also say If something seems too conveniently scandalous it usually is as well! For my part, I believe that after Barnett is arrested and prosecuted for the cull related crimes, someone should prosecute his support staff for their fabrications and abusing their office to waste police resources harassing Ros Weir and other organizers. Additionally Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt need to be held up to inspection. Some of their attempts to circumvent the law are cutting across other laws. Just like Mr. Barnett, Abbot and Hunt apparently have not bothered to do their homework. I swear Australia is under the command of some very short sighted idiots. At any rate, once the cull has been repealed and Barnett brought to justice, I believe that Hunt and Abbott need to become another example to start sending the legal message to Australias corrupt politicians about what happens when you cross that many legal boundaries. Thats my perspective on this at any rate.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 02:31:28 +0000

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