Breaking news:Londons Minister of Defence sir Gary Cahill hasasked - TopicsExpress


Breaking news:Londons Minister of Defence sir Gary Cahill hasasked spains interior minister for foreignattacks Hon.Diego Costa to release 856 missileson the roof of old Trafford when the sides meeton 26th Oct. According to reports inEngland,commander in chief supt.Josémourinho has signed a bill passed by theparliament of Stamford bridge headed by bluearmy commander Capt.John Terry who said hereceived a call from inspector Nemanja maticearlier today to inform him that PresidentAbramovich wants to declare war on de Reds. Asa result each member of parliament has beenassigned to their respective administrativeroles.Blue army commander(John Terry)assigned toprepare hundred jets to launch missiles.Minister of defence (Cahill) assemble1,345,3bomb proofs to each blue army soldier.Minister of foreign attack(Diego Costa)speciallyassigned by commander Mourinho to fly all 1000jets at the same time and launch621,865,955,933 at the house of HonourableDe -Gea.Inspector matic has been assigned to take6,963snipers with him and gun down any personhe sees wearing a Red Jersey at old Trafford.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 23:55:52 +0000

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