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Breaking news. Please share. The voice of Islam news website in Jakarta is reporting that Indonesian president SBY has admitted privately that West Papua will become free. There is nothing Indonesia can do to stop the will of the West Papuan people. voa-islam/read/indonesiana/2014/01/13/28621/presiden-sby-sudah-setuju-papua-boleh-merdeka/#sthash.gwodsVIj.dpbs How can Indonesia become a democracy whilst denying the West Papuan people their legitimate right to self determination? How can Indonesian argue for the rights of other people such as in Palestine whilst maintaining its own military occupation in West Papua against the wishes of the West Papuan people? Please read and share. From google translate. President SBY been permitted Agree Papua Merdeka JAKARTA (VOA-islam) - Is Papua will escape from the unitary state of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia)? Various movements and international lobbying going very strong, and one purpose only, namely Papua Freedom. Herman Dogopia, Papua caucus member, said talk of Papua today, triggered by the recent political developments with a strong desire to separate Papua from Homeland. The ongoing violence in Papua is, resulting in more robust efforts to separate themselves from the Homeland. OPM (Free Papua Movement) in mid-April and received permission from the government of the city of Oxford in the UK to have a representative in the city. The opening of the representative office is a de facto recognition of the UKs top OPM. Similarly, in New York, where there are UN Headquarters, OPM also set up a representative group, and is very active in lobbying with various representatives of the multilateral institutions. Faced with this situation Caucus Papua, according to Herman, direct mersepons and invite relevant officials to discuss the future of Papua in the frame of the Homeland. But the results of the talks or discussions with Papua caucus, not the same as its application in the field. Herman, or the members of the Caucus, believes though the UK has always expressed diplomatically still recognized Indonesian sovereignty over Papua. However, he said any country that England even understand the people of Papua, Indonesia treatment will always side with the anti-Indonesian. Herman the day-to-day work in Jakarta, said he had no doubt confirms the aggressiveness of OPM, the Papuan independence, apart from the Homeland a matter of time. That has been awaited. Because virtually all the people of Papua are now supporting the OPM. Herman Dogopio, say, any movement made by the OPM frontman today and in the future will always be supported de facto by all the people of Papua. Many quietly, but as the old saying goes, silence is golden (silent is golden) . Thats true attitude of the people of Papua today. Ill bet, though it official, get preferential treatment from the government of Jakarta, but the heart and blood theyve turned into a member or supporter of OPM, he said. The reason is very simple. The Indonesian government that controls the remote Papua from Jakarta, do not ever want to have a dialogue, so that the top does not understand the real situation. He always remembered the late Gus Dur. 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia, is willing to open a dialogue with the leader of the OPM, including changing the name of the area of Irian Jaya into Papua. The question hanging over the people of Papua, why the GAM (Aceh) government is willing to open a dialogue, but with OPM, not willing? At UN Headquarters, New York, continued lobbying, and Papuan activists and leaders in America, wants the issue of Papua on the agenda of the UN General Assembly, and discussed, then decided to poll for Papua. This scenario like that ever happened to East Timor aka Timor Leste, and finally parted with Indonesia during the rule of President BJ.Habibi. In New York, London, Canberra, and the Amsterdam group Free Papua Movement activists, their lobbying and actions raising international support, and they became a powerful political pressure. They must be independent Papua persists, no longer under the Indonesian occupation. The action of the Free Papua Movement activists, still holds that Papua under Indonesian occupation. According to a figure of Papua, Herman, that he recognizes escalation to independence had faded. But then simmer again after OPM leader, Theys Eluay killed or killed. On 11 November 2001, he was found dead in his car which is outside the city of Jayapura. The desire to be independent, the burning mainly triggered by the statement of the President last year. According to Herman, it is common knowledge in Papua that the President does not want a dialogue with the Papuans. Although, SBY has been met with a number of Papuan leaders. But, according to Herman, for whatever reason SBY refused dialogue with a number of Papuan leaders, but certainly according to Herman, the president himself had agreed Papuan independence. Requirement: Later after SBY no longer be President . Statement Herman was exactly as it was delivered by a reformer, that the President agreed Papuan independence, as long as not in the period of his reign. The phrase is bersifart inside, quite disturbing many people, and this became a major political event. You may be free, provided its not in my era, Herman said, citing the president when meeting with religious leaders from Papua, December 11, 2011. The statement was not presented to the media, then in sequence narrated by Papuan church leaders who met with Yudhoyono in Cikeas in the end of the year 2011. Statement of the President is surprising though is between Papuan leaders are still wondering whether SBY was not a mistake. Herman also questioned the policy, including the President who formed UP4B (Unit to Accelerate Development in Papua and West Papua), led by retired Gen. Bambang Darmono. What is the task and the goal that was not given UP4B operating funds and personnel are adequate? Herman asked. Herman also wonder why UP4B leaders remain silent? Does it work unit is set up to accommodate companions only president that has the status and activities? With the above facts - as a member of the Caucus of Papua, Papua Herman concluded that the problems in the current Homeland deliberately left by the Yudhoyono regime. He was still able to smile even with a wry smile, for a variety of problems left by the current regime, it was not just the issue of Papua. Indeed, the various issues surrounding SBY, including Democratic corruption scandals, and his fate is in the balance. (Af / ihh) - See more at: voa-islam/read/indonesiana/2014/01/13/28621/presiden-sby-sudah-setuju-papua-boleh-merdeka/#sthash.gwodsVIj.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 09:48:44 +0000

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