Breathe deeply for good health, right? Wrong. The best breathing - TopicsExpress


Breathe deeply for good health, right? Wrong. The best breathing for health and longevity is shallow, slow and less frequent. Another thing modern medicine is wrong about. A Russian scientist was studying death and dying, and so spent long periods of time with dying people. He noticed the closer they came to death, the more they breathed and the longer the inhalatons and exhalations were. He didnt expect that. He thought the closer to death people came, the more shallow their breathing would become. His investigations and discoveries were not well received by the establishment, but he continued regardless, and developed programmes that succeessfully helped people with asthma, anxiety, and a plethora of other ailments. Makes no sense, hey? But he got results. Its an interessting story. I came across this info last nigt after spendinng my day yesterday researching the role that a lack of oxygenation in cells plays in the development of cancer. If youre curious, I posted a few videos etc about this yesterday. Im working on my skin cancers with the bicarb soda protocol - hence my interest and research. The bicarb is working slowly. First off it makes them painful and itchyy, and then they beging drying up and sloughing off. Not completely gone yet, but Im continuing with the bicarb and Im hopeful. Bicarb is highly alkline, and cancer is highly acidic. So Im assuming the reason this protocol is said to work is becasue the alkalinity of the bicarb disrupts the acidity of the skin cancers. Am also drinking small quantities of it it with molasses.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:35:19 +0000

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