Brenda Rosen III: Every American should call this number: The - TopicsExpress


Brenda Rosen III: Every American should call this number: The Senate Sgt. at Arms and call for Barack Obamas arrest for Treason. It is your right and duty as an American citizen. (202) 224-2341. This is not a recording, you will talk to a live person. You will be demanding his arrest per US Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 113B, Section 2339A >>> Providing material support to terrorists. AND Article III, Section III of the United States Constitution >>> Treason against the United States for adhering to their enemies. Obama released five lead Taliban in exchange for one United States Sergeant without seeking approval from Congress. Obama NEGOTIATED WITH THE TALIBAN. America does NOT negotiate with the enemy, with Taliban terrorists who we are at war with! This is a call to immediate action from all American citizens: Tell the government that We The People demand that all who are responsible for negotiating with the enemy, (with these terrorists) be removed from office immediately. We have come together as a nation and we are screaming that we have had ENOUGH! AND WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IMMEDIATE ARREST FOR TREASON. Obama has given us this last straw that has broken the camels back and WE want him ousted from office and all that went along with him; they more than deserve this forced removal. And WE THE PEOPLE want this message sent to the Taliban, that Americans are not so weak minded as to wheel and deal with them and We shall hold accountable those who were. WE the People Demand that our representatives and the media be our voice. We want this matter resolved NOW !!!! America, do you want another drawn out investigation or do you want immediate results? Do not let this grow cold in any way. Do not let this age. Do not let this be filed under yet another Obama administration scandal. RISE UP AND DEMAND that all who are responsible for negotiating with these terrorists be removed from office immediately. We MUST come together as a nation and scream that we have had ENOUGH! We MUST unify our voices and DEMAND IMMEDIATE ARREST!!! Obama has given us another action which, in and of itself, that can oust him and his co-conspirators from office; they more than deserve this forced removal. Congress has every right to arrest Obama, his administration and any other person involved in negotiating with the Taliban. The Taliban are enemies of the United States. Adhering to the Taliban is, by definition, an act of treason. This was not an exchange of prisoners of war between two countries for various reasons: The United States of America did not negotiate with the country holding our soldier. The USA did not negotiate with AFGHANISTAN, nor are we at peace with the Taliban. The negotiations with Qatar cannot hold true as an exchange between countries for these POWs because Qatar cannot negotiate for Afghanistan. Qatar entered negotiations as a country willing to house the five prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay, but Afghanistan did not authorize the exchange of prisoners. Those who were negotiating with the United States outside Afghanistan were the Taliban and not government officials. They demanded five high level Taliban be released from Gitmo in exchange for Bowe Berghdahl. Adhering to this demand and negotiating with this enemy is an act of treason. If it holds true that Bowe Bergdahl went AWOL during war and sought out the company of the Taliban, then he is no longer even classified as a prisoner of war, but a deserter and defector. Call your representatives immediately and demand that those responsible for this negotiation with the enemy, a terrorist organization, be removed from office and arrested for treason. DO NOT LET THIS STORY GROW COLD BEFORE CONTACTING REPRESENTATIVES! START YELLING...NOW!!! -Contact everyone in the House and Senate and place upon them the demands of We the People. -Contact media sources and urge them to be our voice. -Contact anyone who knows anyone who will push this into the spotlight. -Form groups to protest in front of State buildings. -Make a sign and stand outside a government building, on an overpass, on a sidewalk, or wherever -Use social media to its greatest extents: Do Twitter attacks. Send Facebook messages and leave comments. Post Tumbler pics of protest signs. Instagram pics of your demands. -Visit your State reps -If you are in Washington D.C. right now with OAS, for the love of God Almighty, START SCREAMING AT THEM ABOUT THIS! -Urge others to join in on the movement from sea to sea. -Force the government to listen. -Make it big enough that media cannot ignore it. -While its fresh and new and resounding of everything treasonous.........SCREAM! that you have had enough! ******************************************************************* If you have read this far, please click GOING and please share the event and get others YELLING and SCREAMING! ******************************************************************* I know there has been a lot going on with this administration, but this action (of negotiating with terrorists) should appall EVERYONE! Even those who have defended all other actions should be appalled! Both sides of the political aisle should be in shock and see VERY CLEARLY the national security risk this has imposed upon us.Obama gave the Taliban what they wanted: five high level Taliban prisoners released from Gitmo. Obama gave an enemy what they wanted. I dont care who we were getting in return....WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH THE ENEMY, WITH TERRORISTS!!!! REMOVE THEM FROM OFFICE!!! WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH THE ENEMY, WITH TERRORISTS!!!! ARREST THEM FOR TREASON!!! Post any further ideas or share how you are joining in on the yell in the comments below this post. Thank you and God bless you all. ========================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 12:34:48 +0000

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