Brendle has been adopted! The family flew in from Connecticut - TopicsExpress


Brendle has been adopted! The family flew in from Connecticut and are driving back with him today. So happy for him!Kristy Ieraci Brendle is on his was home to Connecticut with his new family! They just love him and cant wait to get him home and start his new life. I am so happy for him! Im going to miss his little under bite :-) I got this email from Brendles new mom this morning. They had a long drive from Pittsburgh to Connecticut yesterday. They sent this pic from their drive too. I think Brendle found the perfect family with the Smethhursts :-) Morning! After a long ride with some stops along they way, we got home just after midnight. Brendle was so good! He laid in his bed the majority of the time. We figure out when he started moving around a lot, he needed to stop to go the bathroom. So he didnt have any accidents either. You were right about dinner- he wanted nothing to do with it. Once we got him home and gave him the tour around he started to get so happy and you could stop his tail from wagging! We played with some toys and he was as happy as can be. Far from the shy boy we met earlier!! He slept great in the crate and not even a peep from him all night. Thank you for taking such good care of him. You were super helpful with all of our questions and Im sure we will have more along the way!Yay brendle! This makes me soooo happy. Thanks, Kristy, for all that you did for him! You truly worked wonders for this beautiful boy.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:19:26 +0000

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