Brethren, keep open your eyes. Yes. For the manifestations of - TopicsExpress


Brethren, keep open your eyes. Yes. For the manifestations of spiritual activity show themselves quite clearly. What to watch for: those who trust in, rely on, and adhere to the Word of the Lord, will be displays of peace, joy, loving-kindness, prosperity, and boldness. You will see no ailment among them. For to have faith is to believe every Word of the Lord to be absolute truth. Be not deceived my brethren for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. So too does the body project the hearts desires. The Word says He who can control his tongue can control the whole body. Its not a works thing brethren, its the work of the Holy Spirit within that displays such control, the only control a man has is his choice, choosing between the Word or doctrines of devils. Choice is always free. The more of the Word one has, knows, and believes, the easier the decision process will be, and the more successful his endeavours. Ultimately the truest of evidence of faith will be known by the absence of all fear in those who believe, for circumstance is never an obstacle to them as their focus upon their salvation never finds hindrance. The Word says about the last days that people will hold a form of godliness but deny its true power. The Word also says all things are possible to him who believes. Jesus said anyone who steadfastly believes in Him will do the things that Hes done, and greater will they do because He has gone to the Father. With three simple quoted scriptures, let me attempt to clarify how you will know a true follower when you see them: 1. They will be seen pressing forward consistently to display unconditional love, never seeking to get but to give. 2. They will be ready at all times for anything, having absolutely nothing restricting them from ministering solutions. Remember too that perfection is not attained in this body, so look not unto others in judgment, but observe their response to Godly wisdom, more so their response to the Word. Not everyone operates at the same level in the light, but the common denominator is always love displayed in perfection by a believer when they exercise their highest level of patience. Now of those holding a form of godliness but denying its true power. Those are the ones who make excuses, they speak words that will contradict the Word, they are among those who practice traditions and adhere to vain religious beliefs, things that present a show outwardly but edify not the spirit. Be not deceived for their practices are not faith, but evidence of a party spirit. They will succeed in fooling men but all is exposed to the Lord in His light. Again, for those pressing forward more intimately with the Lord, have no concern, for as I said, its just as simple as listening to what comes from their mouths and observing whether or not their actions line up with such accordingly. The body cannot over power the heart, what is inside will come out. In conclusion for this today, let it be understood, you have the choice to either believe and trust that the Word of God is absolute truth, or to doubt it. Only you can make that choice. The end result however is going to be undeniable evidence displayed of your choice. Remembering simply that God is Love, and that Love does no wrong to its neighbor will show itself as faith with works. Anything that has no alignment with that love will show itself in one form or another as contempt, thus displaying fear and not faith. If you have faith, then all things spoken by the Lord shall come to pass for you: healing, prosperity, victory, whatever you are standing on His Word for, His promise, to come to pass in your life, they will come. There is no magic wand, its His time, not ours. You must overcome obstacles to attain promotion. Believing in the One who did all the work for you, ensures your victory. Consistency is the key to breakthrough. His children never give up, for they understand their Heavenly Fathers eternal being, and know giving up is never an option because there is no end to growth and development. Faith, my brethren, is the victory. May the greatest abundance of peace and joy flood your hearts. Amen. - Paul.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:18:19 +0000

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