Brian McAlister A moment of clarity is all it takes for the divine - TopicsExpress


Brian McAlister A moment of clarity is all it takes for the divine purpose to be revealed. Twenty three years ago, I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings with no recollection of how I got there. I wandered outside into the sunlight and for a millisecond experienced a moment of clarity that I acted upon. That was the day I surrendered. I admitted I was powerless over addiction and asked for help. That is the day I became willing to listen. During that split second of space between the endless string of my connected thoughts, the grace of God entered my consciousness. The clarity of that moment has changed my world. We all have experienced such moments of clarity. They arrive as hunches, a gut feeling, or a good idea that pops into your head. It might be the arrival of someone into your life at just the right time, or that twinkle in someone’s eye when love comes to call. It’s that sixth sense, deep premonition, or feeling of déjà vu that most of us have felt at some time. It is at this time that the universal consciousness is reaching out to us. During these momentary lapses of our ego-based reality, the grace of God enters. Long-term recovery is possible. Let Go and Let God. Miracles Happen! fullrecoverywellnesscenter
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 20:13:55 +0000

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