Brian Morgan got to take a wheelchair ride yesterday!! He called - TopicsExpress


Brian Morgan got to take a wheelchair ride yesterday!! He called me at work to tell me and he sounded so happy. I was disappointed that I missed it but so glad that he got out of his bed and most importantly out of that little room! He said he was showing off as he was wheeled past the nurses station, so proud to be out and about. He got to look out the big window in the waiting room with the beautiful view Ive been waiting for him to see. Rice University and the Galleria were pointed out to him. He said he had so much fun. He even wheeled himself some but said that with one arm all he could do was go around in circles, lol. I got to the hospital late yesterday because of so many wrecks on the freeway. we were still glad to see each other for a little while. By the time I got home though I had a full blown fever and lay comatose in bed all day trying to recover. My awesome daughter, Emily Renee Stewart went grocery shopping for me and brought me Nyquil and made me chicken noodle soup so currently I am feeling a little better although still not fever free. Still, unfortunately I could not go see him today and I know he is feeling lonely. He did get a nice surprise today though. The lady from pre-op came to his room to bring him a cool purple surgery hat to let him know that they missed him because he hadnt been there and wasnt planned for more surgeries. Brian and I both thought that was so cool. I told him he has made an impact on so many people during all of this just being his awesome self. During all of his past few dressing changes on his stomach and leg the doctors say everything is looking good.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 03:37:04 +0000

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