Brian Williams, announced this evening on the Evening News; that - TopicsExpress


Brian Williams, announced this evening on the Evening News; that NBC was in possession of secret documents, from Mr. Edwin Snowden, that prove the posts below regarding the NSA. Vis-à-vis, CONSTANT AND CONSISTENT, intrusion into our private lives, and violating basic civil rights, in the process. Moreover, Williams, (NBC), stated, (among others), that the British as well as the American NSA, are consistently surfing places like Facebook, Google, UTube, and the like, and correlating information. Especially based on likes, and other commonalities. Do you feel safe? Is your identity safe? Forget Ponzi schemes, do you think LE cares who they arrest? Is anyone paying attention? This is clearly a government that exists for its own sake, contrary to the Revolution, the Constitution, and the Revolutionary generation. Having moved to another large city, from yet, another small town, it seems police, thanks to the Patriot Act and other BS, are beginning to exist for their own sake as well. If I see one more para-military police uniform, either in the city or the back country, Im going to start wondering if people are not paying attention? American Robbers on the Kings Highway: When Heritage Was Confronted With Authority, is a book that will explain, why the Revolution was turned upside down, how and why duty was replaced with RIGHT, why citizens allow a government to exist for its own sake, and what you can, and ought to do about it. THINK! Im copying this baby, as so many like it disappear, or I forget to press the post button. LOL Keep it simple. The book is due to be released in the Spring of 2014.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:04:16 +0000

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