Brian Woods Copyright November 27, 2014 by infidelboss 8 comments - TopicsExpress


Brian Woods Copyright November 27, 2014 by infidelboss 8 comments Brian Woods has successfully registered the trademark name “halal”, sub-category “certification”. This trademark is registered in 164 countries. Let the games begin! November 26, 2014 Beware of halal food -- blessed by an evil god Beware of halal food — blessed by an evil god — Click on the image to order SENT TO THE TRADE MINISTER JUST NOW REGISTERED TRADEMARK HALAL Sub category CERTIFICATION ATTENTION TO: H.o.n Minister for Trade Andrew Robb As the registrant of the trade mark word HALAL with sub category certification, I wish to raise with you some possible conflicting legislations which may have been made prior to this registration. It has come to my attention, that Government in contravention of section 116 of Australia’s constitution may have given legislated power to halal certification under a guise of it is a religious belief in contravention of the constitution in regards to interfering with religion matters. I further hear an organisation is making big money from certifying things they believe in religious belief to be halal, and several incidents whereby these persons are donating money to fund terror cells, and for building cult mosques and schools, and others in the organisation arrested for large drug labs. I further read many Australians protesting about these people forcing halal and causing companies to feel a need to pay them for certifications, and processes that breach employment discrimination based upon race, and exemptions to breach animal cruelty laws currently under action to have overturned by the RSPCA I hereby claim the fuller trademark rights on halal, whereby, halal is a matter of belief, not religious belief, but a belief that an item is safe, and satisfactory for its intended usage, quite simplistic really. I do not attach any religion restriction upon halal or certification of such, therefore valid under section 116 to be recognised as there is no religion grounds in my interpretations or enactments. I am now free, to offer anyone free or low cost certification of products and produce in regards to the guise halal and certification thereof, in which must now obsolete any existing legislation based upon halal and certification of it, moreso any based upon religion grounds in breach of our unchanged constitution. My method of certification grant does not require any special qualifications The criteria applicants need, are to believe their products are safe and compliant to all Australian laws and safety acts via personal undertaking, and conditional upon, if found not to be, then certification shall be revoked if a reasonable explanation is not determined. I also, though not relevant, have a right to convert my beliefs between Muslim and Christian whenever I like, as nothing forbids anyone from holding many religions together, however, government per 116 has no business to question or judge me or what I do or think in regards to my religious beliefs. I now deem myself as the new Halal certification Authority and act as a voluntary organisation intending to offer halal certifications for free unless gets too costly to perform without charging a small fee for administrative parts. I ask you to accordingly remove any prior government authorisations to any other halal certification authority or council. I have no issue if some other authority grants certificates for free or in competition, but not under government authorised legislations, I further shall allow some religion scope of others in regards to import/export but not intrastate trade, so as they can trade within their religious beliefs, taking note a belief is nothing that can be legalised. If government wish to be involved in my halal certification scheme, by all means feel free to raise such with me. However, my method breaches nothing, it removes company and consumer divisiveness and alienations and takes public pressure off government. Lastly, if there are any legal challenges to this from any other competing agencies etc, then we shall let the courts decide, but I behold the legal trademark and sub category and paid for successful registration of such registered under both secure Australia and my name Sincerely Brian Woods
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:35:27 +0000

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