Brianna Turang’s Blog! “It is not about the resolutions you - TopicsExpress


Brianna Turang’s Blog! “It is not about the resolutions you make, it is about whether or not you are going to be intentional about the ones you do make.” As I read that quote, I sit in my hotel room thinking about all the goals I have ever set out for myself, and all the dreams I have had about accomplishing them. Then I starting thinking about all of the ones I have actually worked to accomplish and what it took to do so. It took lots of hard work and lots of trusting in what God was doing in specific moments of my life. Here is the cool thing. God gave me the talent, the work ethic and the determination to accomplish the things I wanted to accomplish but it was my CHOICE to do what I wanted with it. How many of you have a gift or talent that you have yet to put into use? Most of us probably do, but now is the time to do it. I have been blessed with the ability to play softball. I have been giving the opportunity to play for the number one school in the country, I have played on the biggest stage a college softball player could be on (Women’s College World Series) and I have been playing professionally. From the gifts and the opportunities that God has given me, I realized it was time for me to figure out how I could take the foundation I have to glorify the One who has given it to me. I want people to see God through the way I play, through my attitude and by the way I live my life. Softball is just one of the ways that I can show it. There are so many other ways you can glorify God with what you are doing. You just gotta find it, make it a goal and be intentional about it. Naturally, everybody wants what they don’t have. There are so many things that I wish I could do better and there are so many qualities that I wish I had, but guess what? I DON’T. That’s completely okay because God says that we are perfectly and wonderfully made. He made us the exact way he wanted. I am put on this earth for a purpose, YOU are put on this earth for a purpose and if God gave us all of the same talents, qualities and passions we would make no further impact on this world. Everybody is given something that others do not have. How are you using what you are given to glorify the kingdom of God? For the person reading this, I am talking directly to you. Take the gift you have been given, the one we all wish we had and use it to glorify the One who gave it to you. You don’t have to be on a big stage and you don’t have to be in the spotlight to impact those around you. God has given you the talent now it’s your choice to go out and use it. It took me until college to realize some of my purposes and I am still trying to figure the rest out. Pray and ask God to reveal your purpose and ask how you can use your gifts to glorify Him. He will reveal it, just like He did for me. Blessings, Bri
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 19:45:13 +0000

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