Brians Election Rant ... read if you dare :) As election time - TopicsExpress


Brians Election Rant ... read if you dare :) As election time draws ever nearer I am amazed that so many of us are struggling with who to vote for, with all the he says she says it is easy to get lost in all of the noise and rhetoric. To help myself I decided to list my top priorities and see who in Queens Park has taken any credible steps to addressing them. I dont mean, what they say and do leading up to this election, I mean what have they done in the past. We ARE rural Ontario, environmentally, the bee crisis should be addressed NOW not in the future, if PE County and the EU are smart enough to initiate a temp. ban, why not us and where are our elected voices, energy costs are immense from heating your home to running your tractor, govt pockets millions in taxes to squander like a kid in a candy store Why are families who are struggling to heat a home for their family having to choose between food or heat??? Education and Healthcare are always at the forefront of most political debates, I want to know who is championing those further down the employment food-chain, there are thousands of families struggling to survive on minimum wage, where is their voice? We have thousands of OUR future, graduating each year only to find that there are no jobs for them and so they end up working in unrelated fields or for employment agencies for close to minimum wage. Who speaks for them?? When my generation graduated high school, some went on to post secondary and others entered the workforce, industry in Ont and Owen Sound was booming, social fields where expanding, jobs were there for each of use, regardless of the path that we chose. Free trade sounds good but unless you are in the natural resource industry f/t does nothing but ship your manufacturing jobs to another land. AND THE RICH GOT RICHER and the working man and his/her family struggle!! I WANT A BRIGHTER FUTURE, NOT FOR ME BUT FOR MY CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN. We need to elect men and women who are motivated to that end as well. ok, rant is over but remember this, what you have been or done in the past is a pretty good indicator of what you will do in the future ... look at their past and it will guide you
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 15:37:15 +0000

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