BrideWife In The Word [Bro. Francis] I’ll contribute on what - TopicsExpress


BrideWife In The Word [Bro. Francis] I’ll contribute on what I heard before, just very long time ago. Even before Don Parnell came up on his teaching. Before Don Parnell became the fourth type of teaching here in the Philippines. There was a minister who started what we called the Two Soul Room in Manila or in Northern Luzon they’ve got separated from this group, his name is Ptr. Pesito. And he had a teaching that, he should’ve supposedly progressive revelation that “we should no longer be called bride, we should only be called wife” if you still a bride of Christ you’re not yet wed to Christ. So, this is what I wish to explain because, when I heard that of course I heard their arguments, they went to our pastor’s church at Binondo. They visited there and of course they tried to convince Ptr. Villagonza. Anyway, there is what we called a free cartridge where we make one in the spirit. And there’s also becoming one with the Word, but becoming one with the Word, it takes process of time. So, let me define this word “WIFE” it could be wife by engagement at first but betrothal, so you were like wed like Mary and Joseph. They were wed in Word but by betrothal, by engagement. That’s in the Bible ok. So. When a woman says “yes” to her suitor, Biblically it should also guide our LCM Principles in the church. That should be, if it is holy, that should be the time when you’re engaged, that is the time you called him “fiancé” your “bridegroom”, “bride”. That’s where word came from, the bride, nobya, it’s a fiancé to modern term, but you are wed by Word. You’re betroth by Word, but how about the actual wedding? The actual marriage? How would you define that? So, there is this “becoming one”, becoming one with your spouse, with your partner. First you become one with Christ in the Spirit. So, when you say yes it means you accepted Him. Then they took baptism in His Name, if you are truly repented, Berean repentance from ignorance, from being closed-minded in your own reasoning, in your own righteousness, and you surrendered your righteousness to Him. His Spirit will indwell you and become One with your Spirit. So, that is like man and wife becoming one. That you’re wed in the Spirit. And along side when it comes the Word. You are wed in the Word because you could not receive His Spirit unless you heard something first. You heard the Message, and from the time on, whether you’re a denomination, you’re in the Message. The time before you become Nicolaitan, then you repented from your ignorance, you become Berean, then that’s for the rest of your life, then that’s the time the Spirit indwell you, become one with you. Then, at least you will receive a certain Message of the Word, that will be the token, but of course the Holy Ghost that we received is also an earnest token. That makes us wife in the Spirit. Now, how about our understanding, our soul? Within our spirit the union of God’s Spirit, that He united as Christ, will united our spirits, then we will receive progressively His Words. As we received progressively His Words. This is like queen Esther being prepared, for the wedding, she’s being cleansed, she’s being washed, as Xerses rejected Vashti and Esther was the one being accepted that process of preparation is our lifetime until the Lord takes us away, until the Lord takes us home. And let’s talk about the final end of this marriage. Which is the body in Ephesians 1:14, it says there, “until the redemption of your body.” In verse 13, “when you believe, you trusted His Word and you are sealed with the Holy Ghost of promise” which is the token or the earnest of your inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession. Ok, that is the body. The fullness, or the completion of the marriage, is the catching away, it is not true that 1963 everyone should redeem wife, you know it set as a stepping stone so that another preacher will declare “oh! This is already rapture! It’s already the Millennium!” 1963. So, we should understand, spiritual rapture you can also be called wife, but it is not yet. Because, you are a wife by the Word. Let’s say Mary and Joseph, why did Joseph wanted to put her away silently, secretly? Because, it is like, by the word of mouth “divorce” being not yet lived together, but they are married by word, because they were engaged, they were betroth to each other. The betrothal is time that we accepted Him. We became Berean, we waled progressively in the Message of the hour whatever age we’re living in. Now, as we continue in growing in the Word, we’re being wed through… in Jesus Christ. Christ in the form of the Word. Christ in the form of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, that’s in the form of the Word. The revelation that He will give to the Bride. Then one day He’s gonna redeem that purchased possession, the body. When He redeems that purchased possession, the body, then that is like, you’re not just betroth, you’re not just wed, you’re just called wife by Word. You are wife because you met with Him, like Isaac met Rebecca, before Rebecca met Isaac, she was just relying on the Word of Eliezer. Like Eliezer was Bro. Branham, or your pastor, your minister, you’re just relying on the Bible, you’re relying on the preacher. You’re living by faith, your considering yourself the wife, even though you have not yet met Isaac, you have not yet met Christ. Then after you met Christ, you’re taken up to glory, then that is the final conclusion of the word “WIFE”. Because, bodily you are changed, you’re glorified, you will be one with Him, so, shall we’ll ever be with the Lord that’s in 2 Thessalonians. Ok, 1 minute. Ok, so, there’s nothing wrong we are called BRIDE, because the word bride is a preparatory word of wife in the Word, with the Word. Then if you’re with the Word then you’re qualified for catching away, up in the air, God Bless! (Congregation are clapping their hands!) [Brother] Thank you pastor, so sino pa po ang nais na magsusog? Pastor? You can watch this on this link: https://youtube/watch?v=ijwC_jf-j6E JANUARY 6, 2014 GALLEGO MINISTERIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY TOPIC: BrideWife In The Word PREACHER: BRO. FRANCIS SCRIBER/TYPIST/UPLOADED/POSTED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:49:30 +0000

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