Bridge Table or What’s Trump Anyway? About a year ago, I - TopicsExpress


Bridge Table or What’s Trump Anyway? About a year ago, I started a project, I was going to catalogue my personal library, I’m still not finished. The problem is not that I have so many books, but I am trying to write a “definitive catalogue”, and I have thirty years worth of American Heritage (unfortunately I do not own any of the first year of publication). I troll McKay’s used books in Nashville, and the original store in Knoxville, especially for 1st edition bridge books, and have found several treasures! A “Contract Bridge Complete” autographed by the Great Man himself, not the usual facsimile autograph, but blue ink. Two weeks ago I peaked in at “bridge table chronicles” ( a blog maintained by a delightful lady with a mission. Her mission: “re-create” the bygone days of bridge, when everybody played bridge! Yes, it’s true at one time an “afternoon’s bridge with the girls” was a grand social event. Ladies in hats, and white gloves, sipping martinis, and munching “watercress” sandwiches. Maggy Simony is a fine writer, and dedicated bridge player, her book is a delight I am a “collector” of presidential anecdotes, and I found the story about Mrs Nesbitt’s (FDR’s”) White House “Chef”, “pear salad” fascinating in a personal sense, “She served green tinted can pears, with cream cheese......”.1 My mother in law taught my wife to make such a salad, which we still serve on holidays, my grand children, call it “Holiday Green Stuff”, who knew! I think I will ask “Mrs. M.” if she will make one for the VBC Christmas Party! This book is instructional, but not in the usual sense, if you are looking to learn to play bridge, seek elsewhere, but if you want a pleasant read, and are interested in the history of the game, you need this book. Do me a favor, order it through her website, I know you can find it on “that Dot Com/Place, pay the full price, it’s the polite thing to do!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:07:18 +0000

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