Brief biography Hazrat Khaja Syed Hasan Barhana Shah - TopicsExpress


Brief biography Hazrat Khaja Syed Hasan Barhana Shah Mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Syed Hasan Barhana Shah Hyderabad. The land of Deccan (South India) has been a great centre for the pious persons since long time . For this reason many pious persons came over Hyderabad for preaching and propagation work of Islam in this area in large numbers and in all corners of Deccan (South India). Also the land of Deccan (Hyderabad ) is known and famous for the shrines and their great learning centers of Islam which attracted the large numbers of local people. Due to hard their tasks and endeavours of holy saints in these centres the large number of local persons not only embraced Islam but many of them also continued the work of preaching and propagating of Islam to their fellow countrymen the right path towards Allah. The land of Mehboobnagar district which is near Hyderabad is also famous for many pious persons where many pious persons landed in that place and who did many endeavours and hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of Islam and due to their efforts and sacrifices the large number of the Muslim population is now available there. Name and genealogy. His name is Syed Hasan and title is well known and famous as Barhana Shah and he belongs to Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) family member and his name shows this fact. His belong to Iraq. He left his country and reached Delhi and become disciples and a devotee of Hazrat Sufi Sarmast and also he got his caliphate from. As per his master’s style he used to live always naked condition and for this reason his title of Barhana Shah has become famous and well known. His name has also become famous with this name and in the Deccan (South India) he is well known and famous as Sarmast of Deccan. The march of army of Aurangzeb Almgir. He was alive at the time of arrival of Hazrat Yousuf Sahib and Sharif Sahib to Hyderabad. When Aurangzeb Alamgir’s army was marched from the tank Bund of Mir Alam Mir Jumla to the fort of Golconda and in that army two great Qutubs (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) Hazrat Yousuf Sahib and Hazrat Sharif Sahib were also present there. Due to the above reason he was asked a piece cloth from his disciple and covered his body with that cloth .Upon passing away of the royal army of Aurangzeb Alamgir from there he returned cloth to the disciple. The people were surprised to see his action and requested him what is the reason of covering his body upon arrival of the royal army of Aurangzeb Alamgir?.He asked one of his disciples to put his head into his armpit and said there should be shame from the human beings and not from the animals. The person who had put his head into his armpit said except Hazrat Yousuf sahib and Sharif Saheb he saw all royal army men in the shapes of animals . His name is Syed Shah Burhanuddin Mahboob Sarherwardi and his title (alqab) is known as Barhana Badashah. He belongs to the lineage of the holy family of the prophet of Islam and Hazrat Ali who was the fourth caliph of Allah’s last prophet. His native place is in Iraq. He was landed in India directly from Iraq and he has reached to Delhi . As per the records in Delhi he became the disciple of Hazrat Sufi Sarmad and did many endeavours and hard tasks there and for the this reason Hazrat Sufi Sarmad had granted him the cloak of honour and given him permission to guide the disciples and general persons towards the right path of Allah. Arrival in Deccan (South India). He arrived in the Deccan (South India) in the reign of Sultan Abdullah Qutub Shah of Golconda kingdom. At that time there was great ignorance which prevailed in the area . He was settled down four miles away on the eastern side of Hyderabad city and now in that place his holy mausoleum is situated which is known as a great blessed place to the citizens of Hyderabad and other neighbouring areas. Status. He was famous for his following qualities.1.Majzub (one lost in divine meditation).2.Revelation. 3.Miracles.The people of the Deccan (South India) have complete faith and devotion with him so for this reason they used to visit him and get the favour and blessing of him. He was a great lover of Allah so for this reason he was always immersed and ecstatic in the love of Allah and he was a man of great miracles.Since long time the peoples of Hyderabad are extremely devoted to him. His mausoleum in Hyderabad which is famous since long time for the fulfilment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his mausoleum there. During his life time large number of people of Hyderabad will come to see him and greatly benefitted by his prayers and also benefitted in his holy company. Miracles. During his time once the gardener of Nawab Ma’ali Parst Khan who was a minister of the Sultan Qutub Shah of Golconda kingdom came to see him and told him that “ Hazrat my wife is pregnant and the delivery time is very near and I do not have any money with me and I am very poor. Frustrated by my poverty, I have come to see you. You please Hazrat have mercy on me.” Hazrat was in a state of ecstasy at that time and said “ Go ; Allah Ta Ala will help you.” On hearing this the gardener happily returned back to his home. When he entered his house he was coming to know the good news that a son was born. He has seen Anol (navel string) in the plate and so the gardener went outside of the house and went into the garden to dig the soil to bury the Anol (navel string) and upon digging the soil he got a cauldron full of gold. He was sure that he had received this cauldron through the blessing of the prayers of Hazrat Barahana Shah (May Allah shower his mercy on him) and after some time he mentioned this to the minister as well. The minister had three wives but there were no children. He came to see Hazrat Barhana Shah (May Allah shower his mercy on him ) and requested him for children. Hazrat said “ The Lord Almighty is going to grant.” He gave Nawab a cup of water or some juice . The Nawab respectfully drank it immediately. And due to the prayers of Hazrat Barhana Shah ( May Allah shower his mercy on him ) he got children from his three wives. Sultan Abdullah Qutub Shah’s Surprise. One day Sultan Abdullah Qutub Shah has asked Nawab Ma’ali Parst Khan how many children he has? So he has replied him that , I do not know in this matter so I will ask my secretary and will inform you by tomorrow and present the list to you. The sultan was laughing at this matter and with surprise he has asked him “ Khan Sahib before you do not have any children and now you have a large number of children and about their numbers you do not know and how it was becoming possible.? So Khan has explained him all details of his story and blessing of Baba Barhana Shah in this matter. Sultan’s presence in the court of Barhana Sahib. Upon hearing all details of the event of Nawab Ma’ali Parst Khan an idea came into the mind of the Sultan Abdulla Qutub Shah that he should present himself in the court of Baba Barhana Sahib and ask for his prayer for grant of male children. As there was no male child born so for the reason Sultan was much upset and worried in this matter. So Sultan has sent Khan Sahib to see Baba Barhana Sahib for his request of male child so sheikh has replied him to send Begum Saheba in the shrine. As sultan was willing to have a male child so sultan went along his Begum Saheba and with some other companions were entered into the shrine of Barhana Sahib. For their stay two small tents were arranged. In one tent sultan and his companions were staying and in another one Begum Sahiba was staying in which Barhana Sahib was entered and he started meditation there. An idea came into mind of sultan to find out the secret in this matter so he cut the some part of tent’s cloth in which his Begum Saheba was there and he watched that Barhana Sahib was busy in meditation and Begum Saheba was sleeping on the bed with small children. Upon Sultan’s look into the tent the small baby was suddenly disappeared from there and Begum Saheba while crying she stood from the bed and she began weeping. So this was secret of Allah which sultan has observed in the tent. Upon observation of the secret by the sultan and for this reason sheikh has finished his meditation and left the tent immediately. In the early morning of next day sultan has visited Sheikh Saheb and request him to pardon for his great mistake in this matter and requested him with great humility for his prayer for children for him. So sheikh told him you did mistake due to your haste in this matter as we have already prayed for continuance of your lineage till the day judgment but you have tried to find the secret of Allah in this matter and for this mistake you have lost your desire and wish. Upon hearing this sultan left the shrine area with great disappointment and sorrow and proceeded towards the capital of the kingdom of Golconda and till his life he could not forget and miss this great loss which occurred to him due to his mistake in this matter. Death. He was passed away from this world on 16th Jamadi Ul Awwal 1097 A.H. His blessed mausoleum is situated at the place where he used to stay in his life. He was perfect in the following things. 1.Secrets of truth.2.Source of knowledge of Allah. He was a great lover and devotee of Allah and he has spent his most part of life in the condition of starvation and also he has spent the whole nights in the worship and meditation of Allah. He was a great pious person of miracles and Kashaf (revelations ). He was a beloved and sincere servant of Allah. Birth He was born in Iraq in the year 1119 A.H. He was a great pious personality and he was the Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) of his time and belongs to the great order of Sufi masters of Saherwardi. There are many miracles and events which he did in the area of the Deccan (South India) which helped for the propagation and preaching work of Islam. He was used to cover his half lower body with the cloth to hide his great Velayat (saintliness ) and for this reason he was well known as Barhana Badasha and for this reason he got this title. It is a well known fact which is heard from the pious persons of olden time that he used to walk some time with a small plate on earth with a fire in which he used to pour the soil and due to this reason there will be the fragrance of aloes wood and incense which will spread on the way for some time. The people of his time have reported that he was always in the grand majestical condition. When he will use to blow on the grass then there will arise fire on it and when used to blow second time then the fire will diminish immediately. Whenever he used to take rest then he will use to sleep on the thorns . And he used to walk on water of the well which is located near his mausoleum. It has been famous for a long time that during the time of the spread of epidemics like plague, cholera and bubonic plague the citizen of Hyderabad used to visit him during his lifetime and get relief due to his blessing. Even after his death the citizen of Hyderabad during the time of the spread of the epidemics used to visit his mausoleum and pray for his sake and get relief of the diseases. This clearly shows his great miracle for the relief of the epidemic diseases in and around the city of Hyderabad. Death. At the age of 72 years he left the world in the year 1191 Hijri at 1.00 A.M. in the night time. There is no death for pious and holy personalities of Allah but as per the rules and regulations Allah transfer them one place to another and another world is better than this world and its transfer is well known as the death or the end of the life. In the olden days it was the practice in Hyderabad city that the water of the well of the shrine is used to both bride and bridegroom then the marriage procedures will be commenced. Before the police action in Hyderabad the Sandal Ceremony will be organized by the government of Hyderabad with special arrangements of the kings of Hyderabad kings on the large and grand scale and which will attract the largest number of people of Hyderabad as well as nearby and faraway places.The grand mausoleum and big shrine was re-constructed by the present trustee of the shrine Mr. Mohamed Ghouse Pasha Quadri some years ago. The Urs (death anniversary). Every year on the 16th Jamidal Awwal the Urs ceremony is celebrated and the lights are illuminated on the mausoleum. On this occasion people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which takes place on the above dates of Muslim calendar at the famous mausoleum of Syed Shah Barhana Sahib every year. Several hundred thousand devotees from near and far, irrespective of religion and beliefs, gather there to seek blessings. During the Urs (death anniversary) time the visitors in large number will visit the shrine for the fulfilment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the sheikh’s name. In this way the above ceremony will be arranged on a grand scale and the visitors will visit the mausoleum from near and far away places in large numbers will visit the shrine and pray Allah for the fulfilment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the sheikh. The Urs (death anniversary) ceremony is being performed by the trustee of the shrine every year in the best possible manner in the comfort and best service to the visitors of the shrine. ================ Translated into English by Muhammed Abdul Hafeez B.Com. Hyderabad, India. *********************
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:31:46 +0000

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