Brief love for Nu.5.00. I have a record of not having any girl - TopicsExpress


Brief love for Nu.5.00. I have a record of not having any girl friends throughout my high school life, except for a brief moment when i was in class x. We were the senior most and we would be graduating soon and a final adieu. I do not regret for not having any girl friends, but there was nothing exciting about me for any goddam girl to arouse eye brows at me. The most outstanding for any girl to reject me was my hair. It was so bristled and looked almost like quills of a porcupine. This was a good reason why my friends called me porcupine. And if you had seen me at that time, i was so lanky and skinny physically and appeared sick of malnutrition. My outfits were all faded and had bit of tatters at the inner end of the gho, and girls often teased me of a wearing petticoat. I had a pair of half torn pair of bata chappels carrying my skinny legs. I hardly washed and i could sting myself. I was never good at studies nor at sports, but my friends would be surprised during the result day, that i would make it magically. At least i showed bit of improvement at high schools, but i was named as fail bahadur during my primary school days for i had the record of failing maximum. How true it is, you buy something for some use but is never useful, you buy something for no use but it proves useful. I had a small good design ring made of brass. I have no interest for any rings, but i was compelled to buy one while on a frequent tour to popular melabazer. There was a pretty girl selling this ring, and the girl forced me to buy one. I could not deny her for she was so breathtakingly gorgeous and it cost me just Nu.5.00. Back at school i bossed it was a gold ring gifted by my mother. Especially girls in my class would just look at my ring and would be so amazed, sadly the girls would not know the difference of gold and brass, so am i i have hardly seen any gold, except we heard gold is yellow. Our final exam was very close and we had just two months left to depart from the school. Despite all my weaknesses, funny even me i had set an eye on one girl, but the girl was bit tom boyish, yet i liked her being tom boyish. This girl whom i set an eye was also a admirer of my Nu.5.00 gold ring (brass). I must have written about three love letters to this girl. Forget about reply but she warned me once that she would report to father principal. My love for her dissolve like a salt in a water. yet, i liked her despite her threats. Once during interval, i saw the girl whom i liked all alone busy writing some notes. Boy this is the chance i told to myself and with lots of guts gathered i went closer to her and gave her my gold ring of Nu.5.00 to the girl whom i loved. She was so surprised and said will your mum not scold you for giving away this ring. I said No so proudly. The next day, a girl came running to me and handed over a small chit. It was from the girl whom i liked and gave away my gold ring (brass), and she had written. I love you too, keep secret of my loving you, study hard and wash sometime was all i received in exchange of my gold ring of Nu.5.00. That was good enough at least i knew there was some one who confessed loving me, wether it was for my Nu.5.00 gold ring or me was always in doubt. She is happily married and someones wife now. We meet sometimes and talk a lot of other subjects, i worry and feel embrace of remembering my gold ring of Nu.5.00, was just a fake one embraces me more then anything. yet, life has been so beautiful for me and i enjoy life to the fullest even to this day. My simple take as this if you like it.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:05:45 +0000

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