Bright images from the life of Prophet Muhammad Alsalambaklm : - TopicsExpress


Bright images from the life of Prophet Muhammad Alsalambaklm : Mohammed Kharbouch Index Introduction Signals nice At his mercy peace be upon him His mercy Balmkhtin Worship in peace be upon him In his patience and his dream of peace be upon him His justice and fairness in peace be upon him In unrolled and bantered peace be upon him In miracles peace be upon him : In preaching to his nation peace be upon him Epilogue Introduction In the spring of each year of the Prophets the whole Islamic nation celebrates the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Mohammed best creatures upon him blessings and peace purer , and that : 1 - to express their joy and happiness, the birth of the savior of mankind and the nations patron saint . To the words of God : Say thanks to God and His mercy that let is better than collecting Younis 58 and says: We sent thee mercy to the worlds of the prophets 107 . 2 - to thank God Almighty for the gift of mercy and grace rendered for saying peace be upon him : O people, but I am dedicated mercy , narrated by the ruling . 3 - to express his love peace be upon him , the prophet of assets Vhab faith for saying peace be upon him : None of you believes until I am dearer to him than his son and his father and all the people , Bukhari and Muslim. In this happy occasion Ill show pictures of luminous variety of biography and merits and qualities great and its precursors happy , lost his life was full of events and miracles and lessons , governance and sermons , he has revitalized peace be upon him , calling to the Lord Almighty and a lamp illuminating directs people to do good and forbid them from evil , behooves us all that working up biography to make it peace be upon him beacon shines for us the way of guidance and faith in this time that deviated the nation for Amahgp white , he is our ideal and Osotna good in everything has literature Rabbo so well disciplined , God says : Ive had you in the Messenger of Allah like good parties : 21, and when a Muslim from the hadeeth of Aisha was created by the Koran . Signals nice Sharif took the harbingers of a wonderful birthday and signals a nice remind them that peace be upon him : - Born in Mecca : Secretary country are good spots sacred . - Born in the elephant : the motive of God Almighty for his mans land where the owners of the elephant family with stones of baked clay . - In the month of spring: code goodness and beauty and fragrance and prosperity. - His mother gave girl safe : a sign of safety and security and that the gift of God . - I met him : healing ( or Abdul Rahman bin Auf may Allah be pleased with him ) : symbol of healing and health and wellness . - His nurse : first his mother breastfed safe then Thuwaiba ( ongoing uncle Abu flame ) of the reward , then Fads : symbol of the dream and happiness. - Hadhanth : pool ( or right ) : a reference to the charity and the pond in the nation. - When he was born his mother saw a light come out safe lit deficiencies Sham : it Nour Nour . At his mercy peace be upon him God says : We sent thee mercy to the worlds of the prophets 107 , Vrahmth peace be upon him included mankind and the jinn , and large and small , men and women, friend and foe and all objects and even stone and inanimate objects , mercy is not limited by time or place to the Day of Judgment , the Mamninn mercy guided , and mercy to the hypocrites safe from murder , and mercy for the unbelievers delay torment. It was Allah bless him knows his nation Mercy says peace be upon him : Have mercy on earth in mercy from heaven , narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi . His mercy Balmkhtin - First picture : The Story of Bedouin who pal in the mosque Narrated by Imam Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him that a Bedouin pal in the mosque railed the people to fall by said to them, Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : Call and Ohricoa on his urine sins of water or a record of the water I just you sent facilitators did not SEND insolvent . This may work in accordance with the Bedouin raises anger , so the companions to him , and denounced his command , and Zjrōh , the Prophet forbade them to cut it Bolth , and his excuse for his ignorance , and in this very kindness and compassion. - The second picture : the poor man Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him , said : While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , as a man came and said: O Messenger of Allah , perished , said : owner ? Said, and signed my wife and I am fasting , in the novel: I got my family in Ramadan , the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : Do you find the neck Tatgaha ? said : No, he said : can you fast for two consecutive months ? he said: No , he said: can you feed sixty poor persons ? he said: No , he said he stayed Prophet peace be upon him while we are on it came to the Prophet peace be upon him sweat it pass, and Ethnicity: agglomerated , said the Prophet, peace be upon him : Where is the liquid ? said I, said : Take this incredible him , said the man on the poorest me , O Messenger of Allah ? sure of what between Aptiha - wants Ahartin - the household of the poorest of the people of my home , laughed Prophet peace be upon him even seemed teeth , then said, to your family , agreed , narrated by Bukhari and Muslim . This deal is the kindest of the Messenger of God without emotion or anger or annoyance , but ratified it pass on to atone for his sins with a gentle smile title compassion. I Believe in God saying : I came to you a messenger from yourselves, it is dear to you cursed keen believers Rauf Rahim . Repentance 128 . Worship in peace be upon him Was always of reflection , fasting and doing and made the apple of his eye in prayer and what was the last advice given by the nation praying the prayer , peace be upon him was continuous grief , longing to his Lord , Mthmma the fate of his nation . - The third picture : Would not I be a thankful slave ? Ibn Haban in his Saheeh . That the mother of believers Aisha, may Allah be asked about the impressed thing she saw from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said : what was the night of nights , said : O Aisha Dhirana Otabd to my Lord, I said, God, I love the closeness and love what circa . said, so he purified and then he prayed and he kept crying until even his beard , she said, then cried and he kept crying until even the ground, came Bilal Aaznh to pray , and when he saw him cry he said: O Messenger of Allah did not cry God has forgiven you what you made and delayed ? said : Would not I be a thankful slave , has revealed to me tonight verse Woe to those who read it and did not speculate where in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day are signs for men of understanding ( Al-Imran: 190 ) . In his patience and his dream of peace be upon him In order to communicate the message of the Lord Almighty met the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the most harm the colors and forms of affliction , from the infidels and polytheists of his people and his relatives , and he was always a dream and patience and pardon and forgiveness , how not one of the initial determination of the Apostles . Suddenly the people of Taif hurt him the king of the mountains to destroy them , he said, peace be upon him : I ask God to come out of the solidity of the worship of God alone . And broke Rbaith encouraged face -Sharif a day , and was told to let the infidels , he said peace be upon him : I did not send for Ana , but sent as a mercy . - The fourth image : the story of the rabbi Zaid bin Sana before his conversion to Islam . Tabaraani narrated that the ink Jews Zaid bin Sana , had the Prophet religion and before that solves the time of repayment says Zaid : I saw Muhammad in a group of his friends , sitting next to the wall , having prayed at the funeral of a man from the Ansar , Voqublt him , and took him from the synagogues of his robe , and I said to him : what led you to the religion of Allah , O Muhammad Fu taught you what , my son, Abdul Muttalib , but overlooking the repayment of debt . Vantfd age and turned to the rabbi, and he does not know and said: O enemy of Allah, the Messenger of Allah say what I hear , and what do I see the Messenger of Allah , God, I do not warn his anger peace be upon him to hit your head Bsevi this . And Zaid bin Sana watching the face of the Prophet peace be upon him and his words , and he wants to hear what will tell the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in this dire situation difficult , he turned the Prophet peace be upon him to Omar and said : No, my life Ive had to be you have to Tomrni good performance and telling him in good demand. Then he said: Take it , my life and give him the right , and the twenty -Zadeh saa of dates kicks what splendor . Zaid says : He gave me my right to life took me , and made me twenty saa of dates . I said to him : What is this increase ? He said: Messenger of Allah told me that what Ruatk Oziedkha penalty . Said Zaid bin Sana : not know me , my age ? He said: No , he said: I Zaid bin Omar Sana said : Ink Jews ? He said: Yes . Omar said : What makes you do that the Messenger of God, what have I done? Zaid said : O Umar, God is nothing of the signs of prophecy , however, has ever known in the face of Muhammad when I looked at him only two did not know them in it: the first : never dream of ignorance , and the second : Do not increase his intensity ignorance it only a dream , but has Arafthma Today I Martyrdom I has chosen Lord God , and Islam as a religion , and Muhammad as a prophet and a messenger , and returned ink Jews with Omar ibn al-Khattab to the mosque , he said: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of God , and saw the Messenger of Allah, then all the scenes and invasions , and died in the Battle of Tabuk coming is deliberate, may Allah be pleased with him and grant him . His justice and fairness in peace be upon him Justice of the qualities of a prophet , which is creating demand Rabbani precious and sacred faith , the basis of the judgment of Justice , Justice is a great God says: God commands justice and charity Bees 90 . - Picture five: the story of women Almkzumip . Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him tells us the mother of believers Aisha, may Allah be pleased that Qureshi , most notably the status of women Almkzumip stolen , they said, it speaks to us, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ? They said, however, it is Ijtri Osama bin Zaid love the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , spoke to Osama , the Messenger of Allah said : Ochwa in the limits of God ? Then the sermon and then he said, but those before you, your family if they were stolen including Sharif left him and stole them if it set up a weak point, and Aimee God, if that girl Fatima Mohammed stolen to cut off her hand . How great is this section , I have a covenant with the Lord to judge between people with justice , even if the oppressor a few of it and forbid his daughter honest to steal , to show people that this is the rule of God and the law of God and the extent of the limits of Allah on him and that the limits of God is not Tatduha , and mediation and intercessions in border lead to great disaster wrath of God . In unrolled and bantered peace be upon him It was Bassama peace , and flirts with the boys playing with children and teasing his family and his companions , interact with them and theyre full of love and compassion to soften the hearts of the entry and pleasure them and entertaining them to rejuvenate and mobilize Hmmanm and opponents . - Image sixth : the story of the old woman . Tirmidhi narrated from al-Hasan said : come gaffer to the Prophet, peace be upon him , said : O Messenger of Allah , pray to God to send me to heaven , he said: O Mother of so and so , if heaven does not enter the old . Said Volt crying , he said: they told her that they do not enter , an elderly woman , God Almighty says : Im Onconahn create Fjalnahn virgins (located 35) . For Atefha honest words , it tells them that they will not enter paradise , then it does not foretell intervention paradise , God Almighty , an elderly woman , but a young . He does not say peace be upon him , but really honest and that he is joking . In miracles peace be upon him : Evidence of the miracles of prophecy ( extraordinary things ) conducted by the hand of God to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him , indicates the sincerity of his prophecy and his message . It is a miracle more of the apostles , and Ibharham verse , and it was the greatest ever Koran , because they reserved Miracle immortal and , God willing, through the ages and times . God said: Say met while mankind and jinn to produce the like of this Quran does not come in kind , even if they for some hinterland ( Isra : 88) , challenged by mankind and the jinn and Blghae Arabs . Said Izz ibn Abdul Salam : It is characteristics peace be upon him that miracle every prophet Tsrmt ( cut ) and extinct , and the miracle of the first two and the master of others , a great Koran , lingering on the debt . - Image VII: Jada nostalgia . It has Ahmad Allahs mercy for Jabir bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him , said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him preaching to the trunk of the Palm , said a woman from the Ansar and had a Ghulam Najjar : O Messenger of Allah, my boy carpenter Avamrh to take you to a platform betrothed him ? said : Yes , take his platform when he was on Friday sermons peace be upon him on the podium , the trunk , which he performed it as groaning boy , said the Prophet, peace be upon him : This wept for the lost of a male . In the novel Bukhari , cried the Palm ( trunk ) shrieking boy , then descended peace be upon him Vdmh him groaning moan boy who lived , said : She was crying ( Palm ) on what they hear from the male then , and in the novel when Bayhaqi in signs of prophecy : the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , and my hand would not embrace him what remains as well as the Day of Resurrection sorrow for the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , and then ordered by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and he was buried . Ibn Hajar said in Gods mercy , Fath Al-Bari : Ibn Abi Hatim in the virtues Shafei from his father from Amr Ibn El-Shafei said about blackness : ( what God gave the prophet Muhammad gave what I said, gave Jesus resurrect the dead , he said, gave Muhammad craving torso until he heard his voice , it is larger than that) . Vhanin trunk longing to hear the male and Talma for parting lover who was delivering him standing by a inanimate not his spirit nor dazzles the mind of miracles , how not nostalgic hearts to peace be upon him ? In preaching to his nation peace be upon him The Messenger of Allah heralds the victory of his nation and empowerment , and that this debt will total night and day, and his life was filled with Balbcharat happy , and he turned to his companions after the morning prayer asking for missionaries good vision sees insured or see him and he crosses them . - Image Eight: Great Intercession . Bishara is the greatest nation of the Day of Resurrection , and this is of great love for his nation peace be upon him . Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him , that the Prophet peace be upon him , said : Every prophet called to invite her to his nation , Vaostagib him , and I want to spare my call for the intercession of my Doomsday Narrated by Muslim . - Image ninth : Modern Annunciation . Imam Ahmad attribution correctly for Hathifa may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , said : to be a prophet among you what God wills to be, then brought God if he wants to initiate the action . Then be succession on a platform of prophecy , shall be what God wills to be , then brought if he wants to initiate the action . then be owned Aada , shall be what God wills to be, then brought if he wants to initiate the action . then be owned by algebraically , shall be what God wills to be, then brought if he wants to initiate the action . then be on the succession Platform prophecy . then went quiet . This talk , which is great Floodlight to the nations history , it speaks of the Prophet peace be upon him all the stages , including the Islamic nation , at the end heralds peace be upon him the return of his nation succession on the second platform of prophecy . This is the gospel of great and very great must work her staff is looking forward to the faithful . Epilogue And caught the closing prayer and peace be upon the best creatures beloved prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah , Pray to God and the prophet Muhammad and his family and his brothers, pray what permanent endowed breezes and hovered on Ike doves . Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Published Date : Wed, January 23, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 04:16:41 +0000

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