Brilliant Book! This is the final lesson for anyone 4 of 4 - TopicsExpress


Brilliant Book! This is the final lesson for anyone 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful [image: 5.0 out of 5 stars] *Brilliant Book! This is the final lesson for anyone ...*, July 2, 2014 By OC *Verified Purchase*(Whats this? ) *This review is from: Life is Binary: The Choice to Live Love or Limitation (Kindle Edition)* Brilliant Book! This is the final lesson for anyone who has followed a real spiritual path, structured or unstructured, and who wants to actually understand the mechanics of living in awareness. All practices, all dhammas, all meditation styles and meditation attainments, like waves of the ocean, arise and subside. The only stable states are presence and the everyday world. If enlightenment, liberation, samadhi, nirvana, moksha, are to be taken seriously, then they will have to be lived in Reality. This book is a good pointer for anybody seeking Reality and how to operate in a state of unconditioned awareness. I recommend reading this along with Zen and Advaita Vedanta, the message will tie in in an elegant way! Congratulations to Viv Bala for delivering this beautiful piece, and thank you for sharing the inner truth of living in the awakened state. amazon/dp/B00KB5OVFY
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:05:51 +0000

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